but here's a very-nearly-finished look at the heads I've been making at work.
I still have to do a few more little details with the paint, but otherwise this head is pretty much done.
This one still needs some work with the paint and I'm not really happy with the mouth, but there's nothing I can do about it now. This one was a "hey we need you to do the Batman head too" at the last minute kind of job, so it'll have to work.
Both heads are made with paper mache covering a base sculpted with crumpled newspaper and masking tape. I was also provided with a cheap plastic Batman mask (used under the paper mache for shaping the ears and top of the face) and a green wig, both of which had to be altered quite a bit to look right. The eyes are made from air-dry clay, which I found was easier to sculpt badly, allow to dry, and carve into further detail. I also used a ton of hot glue to sculpt around the eyes of Batman, filling in the gaps between clay and mask. Boy, do you ever have to love hot glue!