Jul 09, 2008 14:21
The Dark Knight (new Batman movie) is coming out next week. Some people at my theatre decided to make a huge* display for it, including life-size figures of Batman and the Joker, a spotlight, buildings, and some hanging Joker cards, banners, etc. I'm still not sure what the whole thing is supposed to look like, but I got asked to make the Joker's head, so I'm involved now.
I brought Mini-Peter to work to get pics for an adventure before we opened one day, and only the general manager was there. He came over to look at Mini-Peter and said that the people making the Batman display were having serious trouble sculpting a Joker head (their first attempt looked like Homer Simpson, they tell me, though I never saw it), so he asked me of I'd like to make it. I said sure... I got started on it, and when they saw that it wasn't crap, they asked me to make Batman's head, too. And the Joker's hands. And of course, being the perfectionist that I am, I'm getting all involved in the rest of the bodies, because if my heads are going to be on these bodies, then dammit, the whole things had better look good.
So anyway...
Pictures to follow at some point, when I have them. I finished sculpting the Joker head (paper mache) and started painting it last night. I still need to make the eyes, which will be done in clay and glued in, because I just don't see getting that kind of detail out of strips of newspaper. The hands are frustrating, but coming along nicely as well. They brought in a Batman mask, but it's only the front of the face and pointy ears, so I'm going to have to build up the rest of the head covering on that.
*every time I try to type "huge" these days I end up typoing it as "hugh". Every damn time. I damn near did it while typing this note about it. Just thought I'd share that little patheticism of mine for your amusement. ;o)