Mar 20, 2010 13:27

New post,because my former one was too depressing. |D

So yesterday night, I had nothing to do
(Well except for homework, but that doesn't count as something.)


& I can create the poster for an anime-con. 8D OMFG.
& I filled in a Big bang theory meme.

Also WTF my eyes are getting teary-eyed because of nothing.

So I guess JJ. Abrams just watched the wrath of Khan and then decided to make a new ST movie.
because :

1. The Simulation test. Come on, that's like the biggest hint, you can't miss out on that.
2. The uniforms. COMPARE THEM, AND PLEASE DO. There's only a sliiiight bit of difference.
3. Kobayashi maru.
4. They say 'Matrix' a few times. I guess it's from this where he got the idea of making a movie with an alternate universe/Timeline.
5. Are you out of your Vulcan mind ? - The exact same sentence. OH PLEASE.

But on the good side, 
Saavik ;w; <3

Also, I need some macro's to go with this post.
Post all of your TWOK macro's plz. :D

And here, a BBT-meme. :3
(click for a bigger version)

image Click to view

And sorry about me trying so hard to find evidence that JJ. abrams made his movie based on TWOK.
I know nobody cares xD

Bart Simpson : NOBODY CARES !
Lisa Simpson : I CARE !
Bart Simpson : Well, you are nobody!
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