
Mar 15, 2010 20:23

I'll just be blunt. Title says all.
Sorry for grammatical errors and such
I need to get this off of me.

This family has had so much sadness the past few months.
First, my favourite * niece went.
When I heard what had happened, I cried hysterically.
the sadness and the tears (no matter how much I wanted them to stop, because I don't want other people to see me cry,
I want to make them happy, not sad, and I don't want anyone to pity me, because I can deal with my own
sadness and I don't want anyone around me when I'm crying.) just wouldn't stop.

I also wrote something on a notebook back then (in july I guess?) But I can't look at it again, no.
It has too much __ emotions to it.

And how is it that when you see your mother cry, you immediatly get this urge to cry with her?
Mother/thaughter(????) relationship? I don't know. But it must be something like that.

Because a few moments ago, she came to talk with me.
You see, my uncle, who has been in a coma for over 7 years, has died in the weekend.
I was surprised, because even though he was in the hospital for a few days, because something wasn't functioning,
he has had that a few other times, too.
But I did however, not cry.
I was kind of mad at myself, because I really loved him.
maybe it was because I hadn't really spoken to him in all the time.
But feelings of family bonding don't just dissappear, do they?

and my mother went to the morgue, and when she came back,
she started talking to me. I saw that she was on the edge of breaking down and crying,
but I decided to just be silent, because she doesn't really need a conversation partner ,
she just wants to tell whatever's bothering her. But what she said, and how she said it,
I just suddenly felt a tear on my cheek, I didn't even notice it coming out of my eye,
it just was there. and when it fell down, my cheek wasn't even wet.

She talked about how much she wanted me to have a proper education and a diploma.
And that she wanted to see my grandparents see me getting married etcetera.

It was all so emotional.
But I feel the most for my little cousin, her mother (my niece), and her grandfather (my uncle) have died.
She's only 6, poor little thing. and for my aunt. her daughter and her husband.

Oh, how I love Frou Frou & Imogen Heap for this kind of music for these times.

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* yes, I know it's rude, and it only sounds like sympathy, but I can't get along very well with my other niece..

+ in a few days, report on made in asia, animeconvention.
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