sed day 23

Oct 23, 2013 21:06

wow, this month is racing by!  racing racing racing by!

there were good things today - let's see if i can remember them.  oh yeah, one was being told that my posting about the green smoothies here on lj really made a difference in someone's life - that's kind of awesome.  and i found out they are doing another 30 day green smoothie challenge in november, so i signed up for that again.

there was something else, but i can't remember what it was supposed to be.  i think today's main thing is that i gave myself the evening off as far as doing any work on the editing.  i took the evening to use as i pleased, and i enjoyed it and didn't underneath it have that nagging, i should be doing something productive feeling.  that's another thing that came from my recent sessions with my friend - that when i take time off or give myself a treat of some sort, to really enjoy it and commit, lol.  it's something i've known and said myself to other people, lol - the important thing once a decision is made is to stand by that decision, not to let myself feel torn and conflicted so that the energy gets murky.  anyhow, so that was tonight.  i watched episodes of two tv shows that i like online.  and now i'm shutting down the computer so there's a chance i might get to bed at the time when i'm supposed to..

sed, good things

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