Remembering you is easy..I do it every day.. missing you is a heartache.. that never goes away

Jun 16, 2005 23:24

do you--
-remember when we met?
-have a memory that sticks out in your mind about me?
-think i'm cute?
-wanna kiss me?
-wanna cuddle with me?
-wanna hook up with me?
-have any advice you'd like to give me?
-think i'm smart?
-heart me?!
-have a crush on me?

are we--
-gonna have kids?!

would you--
-hang out with me?
-date me?
-have sex with me?
-change anything about me?

have you ever--
-thought about me?
-thought there might be an "us"?
-thought about hookin' up with me?
-found yourself wanting a kiss from me?
-wished i was there?

are you--
-happy you know me?
-mad at me?
-thinkin' about me?
-going to repost this so that i can answer 'em all for you?

Put the answers in comments if ya gonna do it..

What the hell is up with this whole being mad at all your friends when summer starts?  I really don't understand all you people! AT ALL!  You are all cool and shit on Wednesday~the day school ends~ then the next day it's like you are ready to kill everyone!  WHAT THE HELL?  I thought you were supposed to drop all the shit before summer is over not start new shit when it starts?   All you people I became friends with this year are the weirdest bunch of people I HAVE EVER MET!  I do not understand you at all!  Just answer me this one question.. why is everyone mad at someone? I mean come on!  We all just gotta be happy go lucky people! and do this one thing for me.. if you mad at me TELL ME AND THEN TELL ME WHY YOU ARE!  Don't just tell my friends you are and then not expect me to find out and when I do because I am going to.. not tell me WHY YOU ARE MAD AT ME!  That just don't make sense!  How you gonna be mad at someone for something they didn't know they did then not tell them what they did.. I mean how you expect them to fix it? That don't even make sense!!!

FUCK THIS WORLD!  Every one needs to go die.. because they cause WAY to much drama.. I wish the sun would just explode or if you don't believe that how this world gunna end.. then lets hope yo god just gonna fuck us up some how and we all die.. I don't care just make it end and send everyone to hell.. that is where EVERYONE deserves to go anyways.. I mean come on now.. just ask for forgiveness and everything cool.. you know half the time you asking for that forgiveness you don't even mean it..
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