I was amused to see an article on the Guardian website about more men taking their own lunch to work. My bento box is pink and sparkly though, and those little fish I detest. You can see them looking at you.
My week off was great. I'll tell you more about it when I manage to get the photos sorted out. I'm guessing somewhere will allow me to get CD copies of my Holga pictures...
Gideon left on Saturday morning and since then I've been moping about. Saturday was particularly miserable as I had to go back to my empty apartment and remove traces of him
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I've been thoroughly miserable since I came back to Japan. I know, I know, post-holiday blues etc etc, but I don't think I've ever had them this bad. I was telling my friend and co-worker Kazumi about how annoyed I was, and she said
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Today is the kind of day when I don't want to venture outside. But I have to. I have a hankering for goats cheese and salt and vinegar Pringles (clearly there's something wrong with me with that last one). So I'm procrastinating in a bid to delay the inevitable - having a bath, burning some movies on to DVD to free up 4 GB on my hardrive,
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