(no subject)

Jan 18, 2011 08:17

Ваше мнение.. Дайте ваше мнение об этой поездке. Какие предложения соответствуют вашему мнению? Почему вы так думаете?

а. Туристам, наверное, будет интересно посмотреть, как делают фильмы в США. Да.
б. Это хорошая поездка, потому что туристы поедут в Диснейленд. НЕТ. Я не люблю Диснейленд.
в. Туристы в етой группе, наверное, будут играть в рулетку. Да.
г. Группа познакомится с американскими индейцами. Да?
д. Восьмой день (Сан-Франциско) -- самый интересный. Нет. I don't know how to say "that's a matter of opinion." I think. "Я не думаю так" or "Это моё (личное) мнение"
е. Наверное, будет время для серфинга. Я не знаю... Да?
ж. Туристы будут жить в очень комфортабельных гостиницах. Да, я думаю.
з. Эта поездка очен дёшево стоит. Нет. Нет нет нет.
и. У туристов в этой группе будет много свободного времени. Нет, я думаю.
к. Во время этой поездки можно посмотреть почти всё, что в Калифорнии стоит посмотреть. Нет. But it's a start?

I am so, so sick of this chapter by now. I think I'm not even going to touch the next part, which is another wall o' cyrillic and then questions. And anyway it looks like... okay, so, in every chapter there's a fake-correspondence section that's supposed to review the concepts and such, that I've been skipping? It looks like that's all that's left, and I've been saving those for post-books review. So. Blargh. NEXT CHAPTER ALREADY.

Kindle discussion is ongoing. Still haven't decided; it's either that or a KitchenAid mixer, and whichever one I don't get now I can get for my birthday. There's every likelihood that I won't use the KitchenAid immediately very much, necessarily, but it will get much use over time and it's a household staple in some circles, going back several decades (for those of you not familiar with KitchenAid mixers). So. Kitchen appliance you can beat someone to death with, or your whole library in your purse. Decisions.

There's a chance I might see True Grit tonight. If this happens, there's a chance I might turn into Jeff Bridges. Seriously, over the past three or so days I have seen more of that man almost than the boyfriend. ... no, actually, probably not, but damn. Tron Legacy again, then Iron Man, then... some other movie I didn't realize he was in and now I forget what. Or, no, that wasn't it, it was the music clips I had on my browser for a little while. And now True Grit. I swear, this wasn't intentional, but I am about to overdose on Jeff Bridges, which is weird for someone who has no particular interest or disinterest in him above any other actor. I may have to alleviate with a B5 marathon.

Right. Finishing my lassi, getting my ass to work, and... something. I don't even know what. My brain is completely fried. There will, however, be setting yarn tonight so I can take it in to work to dye tomorrow. Have I mentioned I love where I work? Because I do, no matter how frustrating it sometimes is.

learning: russian

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