(no subject)

Jan 17, 2011 19:40

うれしい時 when (I am) happy
さびしい時 when (I am) lonely
かなしい時 when (I am) sad

なく to cry
わらう to laugh
こうつうじこにあう to get involved in a traffic accident
お金が ある to have money
ゆうえんちに 行く to go to an amusement partk
どうぶうえんに 行く to go to the zoo
はくぶつかんに 行く to go to a museum
きょうかいに 行く to go to church
おてらや じんじゃを 見る to see Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines (おみや まいり, "going to pay respects at the shrine"; look for context in other texts, later) 
山に のぼる to climb a mountain
きものを きる to wear a kimono
うみで およぐ to swim in the sea
キャンプを する to camp
うりを する to fish (さかなを つる)
ひこうきに のる to get on a plane
たばこを すう to smoke a cigarette (lit. to inhale tobacco.)
へんな ものを 食べる to eat strange food (strange = weird)
デートを する to have a date

アリスさんと みちこさんは 子供の 時の 会話を しています。
道子: アリスさんは 子供の 時 どんな 子供でしたか。
アリス: そうですね。 父や 母に よると とても げんきで よく わらう 子供だった そうです。 よく 山に のぶったり うみで およいだりしました。
道子: そうですか。
アリス: 道子さんは どんな 子供だったんですか。
道子: 私も 小さい 時は りょうしんと よく 山や うみに あそびに 行きました。 でも、 中学や 高校の 時は あまり あそびませんでしたね。
アリス: どうしてですか。
道子: じゅけんべんきょうが いそがしかったからです。
アリス: たいへんですね。 私は 中学や 高校の 時は よく パーテイに いったり ともだちと えいがを 見たりしました。 勉強は あまりしなかったんですよ。
道子: いいですね。

Sure, why not. Let's have a really big wall o' kanji.

The only problem with this is, now I want to learn about kimonos. Wearing and history. Maybe not putting on a full-on ceremonial or court kimono, but putting on kimono. I also want to see a Buddhist temple or a Shinto shrine but we might actually have a Buddhist temple around here. Don't think there are any Shinto shrines around here, but it's possible.

Internets! I am debating getting an ereader. Actually, okay, I've been debating getting one for a while, but right now I actually have gift certificate monies to get one. It would be nice, because then I wouldn't keep picking up books I don't have shelf space for. It would be bad because it's so, so easy to spend ridiculous amounts of money on ebooks. On the other hand, a conversation with my aunt tonight about Huxley reminded me that I keep meaning to re-read that. And there's a whole other list of things, the big list of books that everyone should read, etc, and so on. On the other other hand, I have an iPod touch and... well, okay, a laptop and maybe a netbook if the damn thing works and didn't get Windows 7 Starter installed on it, groan. So, do I really need another digital device? Internet! Help me decide. The gift certificate monies are for Amazon, so it'd be a Kindle. And yes, it is enough to buy either the Kindle with free 3G (I glance at that highly askance) or the Kindle just with wireless.

Oof. I had more thoughts, but they went away. Hopefully they come back in time for some writing to happen.

ETA: Okay, I did some googling on the subject of Kindle, Wireless and WEP key authentication. Either I need to convince the boy to get the computers off WEP key authentication (which I don't know if it's advisable or difficult) or I need to get the Kindle 3G, because Kindle doesn't recognize WEP key authentication, which I would need it to do to access my home wireless. So, poop. On the one hand, I do have the GC money for it. On the other hand... moo. That's an extra $50 I might not otherwise need. Ponder.

wall o' kanji, learning: japanese

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