(no subject)

Jun 21, 2013 08:09

North and south do not distinguish between direction and location.
Ó dheas (south)
Beidh mé ag dul ó dheas go Corcaigh. I'll be going south to Cork.
Bhí mé ó dheas i gCorcaigh. I was down in Cork.
Ó thuaidh (north)
Beidh mé ag dul ó thuaidh go Doire. I'll be going up north to Derry.
Beidh mé ó thuaidh i nDoire. I'll be up in Derry.

Reverse direction:
The direction words have special forms beginning with an, which are used when you are talking about coming from that particular direction.
anuas - from above
Tar anuas as sin! Come down from there!
Thit sé anuas orm. It fell down on me.
aníos - from below
Tar aníos as sin! Come up from there!
aniar - from the west
ag teacht aniar ó Ghaillimh, coming from Galway
ag siúl aniar an bóthar, walking along the road
anoir - from the east
ag siúl anoir an bóthar, walking along the road
anall - from yonder
ag teacht anall ó Shasana, coming from (over in) England

Other uses of the direcctions:
Direction is often indicated when referring to buildings or institutions, especially in the countryside.
Tá an siopa thoir ag an gcrosaire. The shop is east at the crossroads
Tá mé ag dul siar go dtí an teach tábhairne. I'm going over (west) to the pub.

Yep, still tired and in pain from the morning workout. I'm almost getting used to this. Except not. It is doing me some good, though. Number of plies is going up, number of push-ups is going up, flexibility and muscle tone, etc. So there's that. I just wish something like exercise energy high would kick in because building muscle or something just makes me sluggish for a bit. Maybe I need to rethink and start alternating things.

Costuming happened last night! I started in with the wig experiment and have discovered that, yes, superglue and thread make a decent sized plug type thing that I can use. Also I have a lot of extension hair. After that it's just a matter of seeing if I can stick it into the wig, and then I'll be golden. Well, spotted. I also got the headband for Faye Valentine painted and that turned out really well, and got the belt for Silk Spectre cut out and then promptly decided it looked horrible. What I might do, though, is cut that section in half, make more of a buckle cover over the front, and use that as a cover for a simple nylon webbing and buckle belt. Preferably a two-inch one.

But, yeah. Two of those were by and large a success! The third is just a pain in the ass and not essential anyway. This week I have even more costuming crap scheduled out, along with some writing, and hopefully between the lot of it I can get almost everything sorted and off my list. And then it's just down to the costume rebuilds. Which still frighten me.

I'm glad it's Friday. I'm not glad I had horrific dreams about the Lurking Bandit apparently taking an epileptic fit and somehow causing or being around for the derailing of a lot of freight trains that I had to witness from the window of a bus and what even about that? I would like less horrific dreams and more nice ones please thanks. Ah well. Hopefully today will be quietish, I can get writing and editing done. Ooh, and maybe repotting some of those no, I can't do that yet. But the boy brought home two new more further along tomato plants for me to hopefully not kill, so there's that. I can do that tomorrow sometime. Oh the glamourness of my life.

crafty kitty is crafty, grammar: adjectives, learning: irish, costume: silk spectre, costume: faye valentine

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