(no subject)

Jan 04, 2013 07:22

You have already learnt that feminine nouns lenite a following adjective except in the plural. Compare these:

an oifig mhór, the big office
na hoifigí móra, the big offices

The opposite is true of some masculine nouns, namely those which end in a slender consonant in the plural. These plural nouns lenite adjectives, as shown:

an teach mór, the big house
na tithe móra, the big houses

an bád mór, the big boat
na báid mhóra, the big boats (no, book, that is NOT a singular noun, I know the fucking plural of bád)

an ceann gorm, the blue one
na cinn ghorma, the blue ones

an fear mór, the big man
na fir mhóra, the big men

an bád beag, the small boat
na báid bheaga, the small boats

So, the summation:

* adjectives follow the noun
* a feminine noun lenites a following adjective unless it begins with l, n, r, or a vowel
* the endings to form adjectives from nouns are: -mhar/-far (grianmhar/sunny, gaofar/windy, ciallmhar/sensible), -ach (scamallach/cloudy, ceobhránach/drizzly, ceathach/showery, compordach/comfortable, tábhachtach/important), -úil/-iúil (stoirmiúil/stormy, laethúil/daily, cáiliúil/famous)
* the examples of forming adjectives from verbs are: déan to déanta (done/made), ól to ólta (drunk), bain to bainte (mow, harvest, Memrise translates as remove), ith to ite (eaten), caith to caite (spent), fág to fagtha (left), lig to ligthe (let), tosaigh to tosaithe (begun), bailigh to bailithe (collected)
* masculine nouns that end in a slender consonant in the plural lenite adjectives

Which means, I think, that next week is all the adjective review ever. Yay!

Lenition is going to be the death of me. I mean, obviously there's a pattern to it and I'll get it embedded in my thinkmeats eventually, but until then, ARGH. Lenite this but not that, this but not that, aaaugh. No, what I really need to do, when I finish this first grammar book, is make a chart or perhaps a Punnett square of when everything lenites according to gender. Yes.

(These are the things you find on your DW flist when you add someone who's studying multiple languages at once on her own, especially less common ones like Irish. Endless, endless bitching.)

So, after several days of joking about Thorin being a dwarf pinup in playgirl with nothing but a weapon hiding his unmentionables, I come to find out that there actually is a dwarf pinup calendar. You bastards, why was this not made publicly available? Why was Centralia not in this interview??? I am disappoint. Though really, just the idea of a dwarf pinup calendar, oh my god. I love you guys. The entire cast of the Hobbit, I love you guys. Even you, Kili the uncouth. Chew with your fucking mouth closed.

Picked up my guitar again last night for the first time in months. Discovered that I can still pick up the scales pretty damn quickly! And do most of the chords, although Cm is going to kill my left pinky finger one of these days. But I did up and down the C major, C minor, and C pentatonic major scales, kind of sort of memorized them (I'll review next session) and did some arpeggios on the C chord, so that happened. I even managed to do this and not fall over laughing at Centralia narrating a documentary on sperm. No, I'm not kidding. This is out there. It is a thing. That exists. I'm not sure if it's more frightening that it exists in the first place or that I think I've actually seen it before. At least I'm fairly sure I've seen some of the footage before. I don't remember it and I didn't get all the way through it because after ten minutes I could barely focus and I needed to freaking eat my damn dinner. But yes. I have now joined the ranks of the fangirls who have listened to a documentary on sperm solely because Centralia narrated it. His voice was noticeably more tenor than usual, he's usually got a beautiful, pants-wetting baritone. I like to think this was because he was trying not to laugh the entire time he was narrating, because some of his dialogue, oh dear lord.

We are getting our furniture delivered next tuesday! I will have my fucking dresser! I will be able to put my goddamn clothes away. I cannot even begin to tell you how happy this makes me. It's the little things in life. On the other hand, this means we do need to do a fuckton of cleaning today and over the weekend. On the other other hand, we needed to do that anyway. We really, really need to do that. I need to go through my clothes and pull out what can go into plastic tubs in the garage or something. Bleh. And we need to rearrange the bedroom so it's not full of shelves we don't need/aren't going to use. BLEH. Well, I suppose I can get started by taking out more cardboard to the recycling. Little things adding up to big things.

And then I'll take refuge in Kili being unable to eat with his mouth closed and Centralia narrating about sperm. Because oh dear lord.

grammar: adjectives, learning: irish

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