(no subject)

Jan 03, 2013 11:39

The present-time subjunctive of modals is identical to the simple past tense except that the modals that have an umplaut in the infinitive also have an umlaut in the subjunctive.

Infinitive -- simple past -- present subjunctive
dürfen - durfte - dürfte
können - konnte - könnte
mögen - mochte - möchte
müssen - musste - müsste
sollen - sollte - sollte
wollen - wollte - wollte

Müsstest du die Arbeit allein machnen? Would you have to do the work alone?

Like sein (wäre) and haben (hätte), the modals are generally used in their subjunctive form ratehr than as infinitives with the würde construction.

Dürfte ich auch mitkommen? Might I come along, too?
Köntest du noch etwas bleiben? Could you stay awhile?
Müsste Monika vor allen Leuten sprechen? Would Monika have to speak in front of all the people?
Solltet ihr jetzt nicht gehen? Shouldn't you be going now?

The subjunctive forms of the modals are frequently used to express polite requests or wishes.

ich wollte, ich hätte Zeit. I wish I had time.
Ich wollte, sie käme bald. I wish she would come soon.

The expression ich wollte is used frequently to introduce wishes. Note that the verb wollte is in the subjunctive, thus, strictly, ich wollte is equivalent to I would wish.

My to-write list involves a number of different fandoms including the Dark Knight movies, The Changeover, Plunkett & Macleane, and Darkover. My brain is currently either stuck in Moria or tromping to Erebor with Fili and Kili. Send. Help.

On the plus side, did get Duke's profile done and out on Murderboarding. Slowly getting back into the swing of things there, we're working on churning down the Once Upon A Time episodes we've decided to do (the Pilot, Desperate Souls or Skin Deep, and another K&H episode) and watching a bunch of Person of Interest the better to start posting those. And once Haven's out, we should be in time to post the back episode recaplyses of that as well. And. Okay, most of this is already outlined on the documents we use to keep our drafts, but it's organizing my head, okay?

I need to decide if I want to go out to Knoxville this weekend and hit up the used bookstore and see The Hobbit again at the IMAX. Argh. I mean, on the one hand, 2 hour drive both ways ugh. And on the other hand, life-sized trolls! And 3 more hours of Thorin Smokin'shield. And on the other hand, longass drive. During which I could get knitting done, it's true. Debate debate. I guess it also depends on how much I get done this week, since I won't be able to write on the road or while in K-ville. And on the other hand, bookstore of huge. And I do have a list of books I want to get to study the Greek, Egyptian, and Latin. Whaaaat.

Yeah, still too much to do and not enough brain to figure out what order I'm doing it in, let alone if I have enough time. Which I guess means it's time to just start setting them up and knocking them down. Errands first, and then sitting down and doing computer stuff. Computer stuff that does NOT INVOLVE MORIA DO YOU HEAR ME BRAIN.

My brain isn't listening to me. Stupid brain.

grammar: verbs (subjunctive), fandom - haven, murderboarding, learning: german

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