
Nov 15, 2009 14:26

OH JESUS CHRIST IM SO FUCKING TIRED. I hardly got ANY SLEEP last night. When I'd doze off, I'd wake up again and then couldn't get comfortable and omg. Sup 3 hours of sleep. I had to get COFFEE @ McD's. Look, I don't really drink coffee, esp in the morning because my stomach can't always handle it. I didn't have enough cream OR sugar. ): And then my hashbrowns were COLD, and they were the deciding reason I went with McD's rather than getting donuts. BAH! I was bad and kept my zune on well into opening hours cuz i was like FUCK EVERYONE, IM LISTENING TO MY MUSIC WHILE I CLEAN THESE GODDAMN CAGES. Music helps so much to keep me concentrated on work. @3@ And ugh, Christmas music started at work. Thankfully its only one song in about 5 - 10 others. But guh. Christmas. :| But YAY holiday pay.

SO somehow I got talked into being Dungeon Master for a D&D game with my friends. D: HOW I DUNNO, I SUCK AT THIS STUFF. They wanted to PLAY today, but only about half people will be present, and I'm not done planning AT ALL (I have a bit of a story down, but thats it) So it's going to be a chance for people to create characters and for me to get some solid stuff down for the game. I'm like.. so nervous, I'm scared its going to suck, and I'm scared that I won't be able to ad-lib enough to make it interesting and BAAAW. ;A; I'm trying to make it sorta easy for myself and not throw in too many things I wouldn't be able to deal with, but I don't want it to be BORING at the same time. It's not like my friends are going to get down on me for not being elaborate, but our group is known to go outside the box and ask/do odd things, and I'd like to be prepared for that. YA KNOW?

Anyone DM'd before? Tips? ;3;

Aside from that I have CRAP hours this week. I just finished the first of THREE days I'm working this week. And while I do like not working, I NEEDS MONIES YO. *sigh*

Also I'm still pissed about missing the PERFECT DOLLS for the next two that I wanted. ): And still bummed from last night. XD MIX OF EMOTIONS AND EXHAUSTION. THEY TAKE THEIR TOLL.

So So SO SO SOOO glad I don't have to start DMing today. FUCK. THAT. Next week.

worries, work, d&d, general annoyances

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