A Tag!

Nov 14, 2009 14:11

It's been a while since I've actually been TAGGED for a meme. But chocolate_frapp caught me, so I shall obliiiige~ (like I am one to turn down a meme, time waster that I am)

If you don't like a question replace it. If you do it, please tag eight people.

who sleeps in bed next to you?
Jagger! :3 But sometimes he sleeps ON me. D:

what did you last eat?
I think it was sausage dippers from Sonic. (they were ok)

if you could be anywhere in the world right now where would it be?
Sitting behind Edgar Wright, watching him edit Scott Pilgrim

what's really creepy?
The thought of me sitting behind you while you're trying to edit a movie?

name one odd item within five feet of you
A doll wig sitting on a can of mousse

what's your current obsession?

what did you really want to do today that you didn't?
Draaaaw ;3;

what are you most excited for?

what website do you always visit?
LJ, DA, but this is my homepage. :B

what was the last thing you bought?
Food at sonic~

if you could have any pet what would it be?

your past life. tell me about it.
I was probably a man in like ancient greece that diddled little boys. *shrug*

what do you want this minute?
For winamp to stop playing the crappy part of my music collection! O:<

where do you like to go to calm down/ relax?

how many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie roll center?
Your Face

what's something you like to say to someone right mow?

are there any bits of childhood that you miss?
Uh, everything. But yeah, mostly the cartoons.

say something to the person that tagged you
Maybe if we come at Hugh at the same time he won't be able to put up a fight!! >:D

I TAG: Whoever wants to do this |D


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