Writing Post!

Jul 07, 2008 16:15

I haven't really been in a mood to draw lately, but instead more for doing little writings. Talking to mazzie_may last night got me really started. A while ago she took on doing a list of 100 words for sentence prompts ( HERE if you care), but left a few unfinished. But I was there to pick up her slack!! I decided to take those on instead of starting my own list. XD I think I'll start another after this cuz it was fun, but this is what I came up for the ones she left behind:

Subject: Resident Evil
Title: 38/100 prompts
Theme: Mostly Umbrella and Pre-STARS stuff
Rating: T for some gay (but actually not that much!)
Genre: All

034: Obsession
William hated Marcus for all that he was worth, but if he'd spent enough time considering himself, he would have realized his research was turning him into the man he swore never to be like.

035: Memory loss
HUNK held almost no regrets about joining the Umbrella army except the day he was given the mission to retreive the G- virus; it was only then he wished the company had developed a method for helping him forget the past.

036: Glasswork
Neither of them could understand what purpose such a powerful telescope served at a place like Umbrella, but whenever they took a glance at the stars it was always set on Jupiter... wasn't that also the symphony Spencer always had playing back in his office?

037: Experiment
For all the experiments William had conducted in the laboratories, the experience was worth nothing when it came to trying to ask Annette out on a date. It only surprised him further when he actually succeeded.

038: Shell
After he and William had parted ways, Albert didn't think there would ever be anyone else that could break through the barriers he'd put between himself and others; and then there was Chris.

045: Legend
James Marcus was positive he'd make his mark in history as the creator of the T-virus, and even after failure and death, that dream kept burning.

046: Homecoming (Visiting One's Parents)
William wasn't nervous about bringing Albert home that Christmas, in fact he was sure the friendship would be the one thing his mother would ever be proud of.

048: Ruggedness (Even irregularity is possible.)
William never really understood what drew him to HUNK, but unlike Albert's smooth collectiveness and despite HUNK's friendliness, there was that rough-looking quality about him that Will just liked.

049: Color
Albert could remember the long nights that William braved just because he couldn't stand that the G-virus retained a greenish tint from its predecessor and he vowed he would change it one way or another.

050: Candy
Everyone knew that Albert wasn't a fan of sweet things, but only William knew the man could be bribed to do anything if there was the promise of a bag of saltwater taffy.

051: Sexy
It was rare that William was awake early enough for Albert's return from his morning run, but when he was it was always a treat; there was just something about seeing the other boy all out of breath and sweat dripping from his temples.

052: Black and White
On the days that the USF had lunch in the dining area there was a stark contrast of which side of the tables they occupied versus that of the scientists, except for the one black dot that sat among two white ones.

053: Chocolate Starting to Melt
William only really started to be wary of HUNK's surprise hugs when one day he came away with chocolate stains all over his white lab coat, after that he always made sure the other washed his hands before even coming near him.

054: Miracle
He wasn't one to believe in miracles, but the fact that William didn't recoil or run away when Albert's lips first touched his in the middle of that dusty church almost made Albert start believing.

055: Pet
William didn't understand why Albert would suddenly up and buy him a hamster with the whole set-up until a week later Albert left to France; he was cute, but it wasn't any kind of substitute.

056: Chain
From the viewer's eye Umbrella was a strong and well-founded company and organization, but an insider's perspective could easily tell you about all the weak links held within.

057: The Ability to Live
Spencer created Umbrella so that he could one day control the world and live life to the fullest, but it was in the recesses of his hiding place did he see that he wasn't even sure if he could call this living.

058: Sake (As in the alcohol)
Wesker and Birkin were the only underaged employees in the Umbrella facilities at the time and even with their high status within the company, there was a part of them that didn't actually think they'd get allowance through the doors of the bar.

059: Old Money
James always felt generally out of place when at Ozwell or Edward's place; he didn't come from a household with that kind of fortune.

060: A Silence
Everyone in the laboratory felt awkward when Wesker and Birkin had a disagreement, if they weren't talking no one else dared say a word.

062: Time Limit
With all of William's spouting of "No Time! No Time!" you would think that all of his research had to be complete within the week.

063: Fortune-telling
He knew William would have made fun of him or given him a weird look for mentioning it, but Albert occasionally thought about how well their star signs coinsided with each other's.

066: Shoulder learning by experience
When they were first partnered up at the Training Facility Albert smugly thought that since William was the younger one he would have to be the one to guide him along; he came to realize his mistake early on after Birkin proved his competence.

073: Flower language
Albert knew of Annette's crush on William long before he did but it wasn't until years later, after the couple had Sherry did he think back to the fact that Annette often kept a yellow tulip on her desk and the irony that lied with that.

083: Black tea
It was only when William was sick that he expressed any kind of wishes for home, and because of that Albert had to learn to make milk tea just like Will's mother.

084: World of Dreams (haha, mazzie, I think this takes from one of yours)
There were times after the destruction of Raccoon City that Wesker just wanted to stay asleep for days, at least then he could still see his friend's face.

087: Virtual image
William prefered writing things down and sketching them out rather than staring at a computer screen, he couldn't see why Albert hassled with the things so much.

088: Clock
The only times Albert would hit the snooze button were when there was a warm body next to him in the morning, he could live without his morning exercise every once in a while.

089: Fallen Angel
About a week before the destruction of the city, Wesker started reading reports about a monster that people reported to have a silouhette like a fallen angel; he thought the witnesses only got the idea half right.

090: Word
The assistants around the facilities had to be careful what they talked about in the halls, one slip of her name and they could have Dr. Birkin at their throats.

091: Crown
The week after Marcus' assassination Albert was in a constant state of irritation only because William held the fact that he inherted the T-virus research over everyone else's head.

092: Pen and Paper
There were some nights that Umbrella's office supply closet was raided for the sake of boredom between a couple of teenagers and a game of Pictionary.

093: Indirectly
No one else in the dining room seemed to care when Birkin and Wesker drank off of the same glass, but William always hesitated as if it was a big deal.

095: Assistance
A few times Albert had to call on HUNK to help drag William away from his desk and make sure he got some sleep, Albert cut him off at three days and even then Will could prove to be extremely stubborn.

097: The common cold
It took a few moments to comprehend that Albert was actually sick, William didn't think his friend was vulnerable to such things; it brought some relief too though, at least it proved he wasn't an alien.

098: Cloud
Even though he was miles and miles away when the bomb hit the center of Raccoon City, Wesker could still see the mushroom cloud that formed, marking the spot. He could never get far enough.

100: 365 days
Albert tried not to put too much thought into it, but it was weird to think he and William didn't go a day without even seeing each other, and yet a year passed by so quickly in which not even a single word was exchanged.

fics, residentevil

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