Quick Entry

Jul 04, 2008 22:24

But probably not, because everytime I say quick, it never really is.

First I wanna say happy birthday to perotine today! (And Captain America :BB) And tomorrow for krispy_kream! You both are awesome and I hope your birthdays are fun and stuffs!

Tomorrow I have to get up early to help mom clean a house before I get back home and get ready for a wedding. Gonna wear my prom dress and get some more use out of that thing. I hope Crissy can come. I haven't gotten to really hang out with her in a while, and it would be nice. But im not really counting on it since she always seems to be busy. ):

Anyway, I'm probably going to go to sleep after this entry. I was staying up to watch a little Fruits Basket, but I'm kinda near the end now. And I really don't wanna watch the last eps and be all depressed before I go to sleep. (Even if Akito IS in those... and Tohru puking. Which I always found funny for whatever reason) I'm missing this series. And maybe its because its been so long since I'd last seen it, but I keep expecting Kureno and Rin to show up somewhere in the series. ): I'm even looking for them in the bg. hurr. I really wish they were in the anime. *BAW* Also, Jean made a point the other day that there is no good art of the series. There isn't. Even a search of pixiv just now turned up nothing interesting. I want to know why Japan wasn't on the ball with this series? Where are my yaoi doujin? Srsly? WHERE. I'm disappointed. There was so much potential. Of course, all this furuba is just making me miss my old RP buds from the LJ one and the Ychats. XD SIGH. YOU GUYS. <3 I'll definitely have to invest some time into finding some good art though.

I got a little farther in RE0 tonight! Died a few times but made it quite a ways with both of them in Red-Danger. Until I finally said fuck this game and its fetch quests and puzzles for the night. Still, makes me wish koko and I were able to do more with our '30s trio. XD Those silly boys.

Man, really wanted to try and do a pic of Cap today for his bday, but I'm not feeling the art groove. I'm not feeling ANYTHING lately. It's like I'm recovering from something. But what? That's dumb. Maybe its just digital stuff. I did a decent doodle last night in my sketchbook. ... Almost done with Iron Man novel, whooo~ Then I am not sure what I will read on the side. Maybe the Hugh Laurie book I never finished.

Sarah's supposed to be coming down again soon. Though I'm not sure when right now. It always takes me a day or so to get used to having her around again, but after that its like SARAAAAH~ <3 And by then she has to leave. ): I need to go visit her up in Chicago. I'd like to see the snow, but I know its ridiculous up there. Soooo, not really sure.

I saw Wall-E last night, which was freakin cute. And FREE!! I love free! But now I wanna watch Ratatouille and I don't have that. STILL. ): *hinthint*

Yeah, I knew this would turn rambly. So i'll cut off now and say goodnight! Hope you guys had a nice fourth and a nice upcoming weekend. whoowhoo!

fruits.basket, rant, video games, movies, friends, birthday, residentevil

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