Randomness 2

Apr 06, 2011 16:17

Ok so I'm procrastinating and I'm sick and I can't force myself to care much so let's do this list thing again!
1. One True Pairing Ship.: Tony/Gibbs (NCIS)
2. Canon Ship: Luke/Reid (they are my only pairing who became canon...and they killed Reid...bastards)
3. "If this happens I'll stab my eyes out with a spork" Ship: Tiva! Rachel getting back together with Finn.
4. "You are one sick bastard" Ship:  Fez/Jackie, Tiva,
5. "I dabble a little" Ship:  Sam/Gabriel
6. "It's like a car crash" Ship:  Rachel/Finn, Tiva, Tony/newgirl(EJ?)
7. "Tickles my fancy but not sold just yet" Ship: still don't know.
8. "Makes no canon sense but why the Hell not" Ship: Dude all my ships make perfect sense. It's not my fault TV show writters sensor themselves or are clueless.
9. "Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it" Ship: Tiva! Finnchel,
10. Instatenous love (aka first time you saw them interact, that's it you're done, you only ship them together!)   Chlex(Smallville), Luke/Reid (ATWT), Dean/Castiel (Supernatural)
11: "There's really not enough of this out there" ship: All my pairings really.
12: This pairing becoming canon would be or was a crime against humanity: Sam/Santana (ewww. it's a goldfish (Sam) dating a shark (Santana)) Tiva...actually Tony with anyone but Gibbs (yes I know I'm a crazy Tibbs fan), Jackie/Fez (if she wasn't gonna end up with Hyde, then I would have preferred her alone and Fez going to go live the life with Kelso and continue being half-in-love with each other while dating women up until the time when they'd just wake up!)


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