"OOOOOOOOHMYGOD I can't believe you just said that!!!"

May 16, 2006 09:22

Okay so a little bit a griping, a little bit of 'wtf' and much more fun.

First, the griping, get it over with yeah? I hate, and I'm really meaning it now, when people only send you forwards and jokes and things. A few are okay, fun, brighten one's day ...but when all you get is forwards, it's not so good. If you can type my name in a little box, ( Read more... )

bill murray, sci-fi

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slashfairy May 16 2006, 09:27:05 UTC
yeah, I need to start NOW planning for next May... gonna try for student aid again for this fall and if I need it for Spring, too, but I'd like (can't b'lieve I just said that, really) like to have a little regular work, too.

So far so good on staying upright and functional...need to work on the little book and on a paper to go with it, and out of that has come a research project (how do nurses learn/use/perceive language? I ask because so many many are bad spellers/grammarians/punctuators and yet every word reflects something about someone else's life, health, death... and every word relates to the trust one's licensing body puts in one as a licensed nurse. So wouldn't nursing schools and nursing bodies want to emphasize using language carefully? but they don't seem to. So now I gotta know. Busy busy busy...-grin-

That's right, Sean Penn. and while he was good in that, it wasn't as good as Bill's performance. -sigh- but then, I still think Crash rightfully won this year- and that's after watching both (Crash and BBM) over and over now at home. So whaddo I know? -shrug-


kitty_van_kat May 16 2006, 09:56:57 UTC
Oh I know, one little weekend can take months of planning. Hell, one day takes months of planning in certain cases!

mmm, one project spawns another eh? Well, good luck with that. I think you're on the right track but...you know, what do I know about that? lol, Leave it up to the people who know about it I guess.

Yes, that award spurred on rant after rant...I'm bitter and angry about it and I don't think I need to explain why because people have eyes, they watch movies...and they so blatently handed out a retroactive Oscar when Bill Murray deserved it so much more.

and before I get into another rant on the subject and become completely boring, I'm going to let it rest at that, finish my book and get back to work.

mmhmm, busy busy busy


slashfairy May 16 2006, 10:01:00 UTC
finish your book, eh? oh yeah. it's addictive, that story. now i can't wait to see the movie, cos enough people i know have read the book.

let the subject of retroactive ANYthing rest. -sigh-

you know a lot about if i'm on the right track or not, cos you can feel it. oh, i was thinking about you making chain link by link the other night, and just got all warm and happy about my beautiful jewelry... i'm so lucky to know you for so many reasons.

work. does a checkbook good. or some thing like that.


kitty_van_kat May 16 2006, 10:16:54 UTC
Mm, I really want to see it too! I'm curious as to who Ian McKellan plays....oh wait *trots over to IMDB, comes back*...ah, just as I thought, he plays Sir Teabing! Which kinda is the exact opposite of the description in the book. *shrugs* but OMG! I had NO idea that Paul Bettany plays Silas! Holy crap that'll be cool! *wants to go NOW!*

And yeah...I....I can't speak of the Oscar that wasn't anymore. lol Just makes me barfy, just like the Stanley Cup Finals that weren't! lol

Well, I know you're on the right track because it seems like the logical chain of events to follow. Studying early childhood language comprehension and how nurses can communicate with them....well, how do they communicate anyway, and why that way?

hee...I had smarties for breakfast yeah?

LOL, those little copper jumprings are slippery buggers! They were pranging all over the place if I gripped them too tight. But I haven't made anything in a good long while. I should really do that tonight...but the draw of videogames is very strong in this one...*eeps* ...hmm, maybe I could do both. But I guess it all depends on what I 'have to' do tonight (i.e. dishes, laundry, dinner, all of the above). I do need to put more on my site, nobody's biting. *sigh* oh well, at least I can sell some things to people around here, get my name out.

but yer, work...*stares at files...wishes they were piles of boxes of beads*


slashfairy May 16 2006, 10:25:40 UTC
you did, you did had smarties for b'fast. mm yummy yummy smarties.

be interesting if you kept a running tally of when you work on your jewelry, like a time-sheet... even planning things and researching beads and all. when I totalled up all the time i spent face down on an ice-pack this weekend with peter weir or cameron crowe or tina fey in the headphones and all this writing in my head, i thought 'well i could go one of two ways. i could count this totally wasted time, or i could count all the time thinking about the writing as work'. so i did both... and came up with the clear result that i'd put in about 26 hours total on writing work, even though i only have an outline and a few paragraphs actually written out so far.

I keep panicking about 'going back to work' but really if i look at how much time i put in every day on writing, i'm pulling ten, twelve hours a day pretty much every day and holding up healthwise pretty well. so...

the draw of videogames, eh? ever thought of writing reviews of them as a girl player? from the woman's point of view? be interesting.


kitty_van_kat May 16 2006, 10:41:29 UTC
Well, I can tell you now that at least one hour of last night when I got home was spent looking through the new Bead & Button magazine Ray had gotten me. And today, I got a link from Fire Mountain Gems, they're having a sale on turquoise and red coral beads, as well as others. I need to take a look.

Don't worry about going back to work, panicking, you'll only make yourself sick or something. Just do what you can in the meantime to become the writer and be able to stay at home. Then you won't have to panic.

You need to send me a printable version of your book for Ray, because he couldn't open it when he got it...and he needs to see it.

mmmm, the draw of videogames today is great because...I need to finish Kingdom Hearts (a PS2 game featuring characters from the various Final Fantasy games, coupled with Disney characters in an action/rpg format)...so I can start playing Kingdom Hearts II!! Same premise, only the main characters are older and there's new towns, including Port Royal and you get to fight Barbosa with Jack Sparrow at your side! Kicking ass I tell you! What a great game! We watched the intro for KH2 the other night and it's a fully animated music video! PLUS...the apparent villain at the beginning of the game is voiced by Christopher Lee!!! And and...the hero, Sora, is voiced by Hayley Joel Osment, just like in the first one!

Games have gotten really good....now, can you understand the draw?


slashfairy May 16 2006, 11:18:24 UTC
yeah, it's starting to make more sense. now's i think of it, before i realised i was getting actually sick and not just being a whiny baby, i watched (or had pass before my eyes) the evolution of DOOM track on the DVD... I had no idea. I mean, i had a little idea, but not really.

Ok, i'll send a printable in one way or another. i'm almost done editing it up on fairy writer.. maybe that would work? even though they'll only print as thumbnails, i think... this 'self-publishing' is harder than it looks, without a class!

you're right. worrying about work, about income, will make me sick. i've managed for this whole year, i'll manage for another one. i've gotten so much better about not just spending money... it doesn't seem like it because i'm always getting packages from amazon and alibris, i've got this membership in the gym but i don't go every week even though it'd feel good to do it, and then there's netflix... but it's not money on liquor and candy, on clothes i don't wear or overdraft charges, or a high interest on a second, or anything like that...

i love bead and button. love it. i still wanna send you all these beads i have. i wonder what the cheapest possible way i can send them is? some kind of ground transportation that'd take a month, probably. wish i knew someone reliable who was driving from here to toronto and would take them... ah, well. something will work out.


kitty_van_kat May 16 2006, 11:34:58 UTC
Mmmm, yes, Doom! I played Doom in high school with all the guys! I loved the plasma gun, i think that was my favourite...but if you want something different, but kind of like Doom, only slightly medievil and fun, try Heretic!! This one I enjoyed immensely, because you've got crossbows and things...and the ultimate multi-player weapon is the 'morph-ovum'. You can turn your opponent into a chicken and watch the feathers fly when you blast him as he's running around!! Much fun! I loved it. :)

You're so right, there are worse things to spend your money on...booze, cigs, drugs, insane movie and videogame addictions! ;D Naw but you're right, amazon is good, there's knowledge there...and as much as people hate to think it, there's knowledge in videogames too; hand/eye co-ordination...and don't even get me started on the positive effects of DDR! DDR is a blessing! And netflix is great...I don't use it myself, but my uncles do and they say it's really helpful.

I have stack upon stack of Bead & Button magazines, as well as Beadwork and ...oh dear, there's another one and I can't remember the name of it...OH Beadstyle! They're all really good. And smattered in there are a few Lapidary Journals and such. But yeah...if you want to send the beads, I can wait...I'm not goin anywhere! lol


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