"OOOOOOOOHMYGOD I can't believe you just said that!!!"

May 16, 2006 09:22

Okay so a little bit a griping, a little bit of 'wtf' and much more fun.

First, the griping, get it over with yeah? I hate, and I'm really meaning it now, when people only send you forwards and jokes and things. A few are okay, fun, brighten one's day ...but when all you get is forwards, it's not so good. If you can type my name in a little box, hit copy/paste and send me something that three other people have sent me not a day before....I'd really rather prefer a 'hello, how are you?' rather than the alternative. Whatever happened to saying 'hello' anymore? It's one of my pet peeves...that and my time not being respected. That really bugs me. If I give up my time to call you up, or write a nice e-mail when I really should be doing something important...and it all gets ignored. It's a kind of slap in the face to me. Because I gave up that time ...for you. *sighs* anyway...

Now, that was only the penultimate...now comes the 'wtf'! And it's a big one! Last night at DM & shadowhawck's place...after many a fun game of "Chez Geek 3: Block Party" (of which Ray is going to draw up an 'occupation' card for Legal Assistant!) ...we got to talking about movies; Spaceballs, Lost in Translation, Caddyshack. And we realised...Does Bill Murray have a star on the Walk of Fame?


OHEMGEE!!! And as shadowhawck proceeded to tell us that it's fan based, we looked up what needs to be done! And there's a lot that needs to be done. You have to nominate someone and they only choose a handful and of course here's a list of other things that have to be done:

* The nominee (if chosen) has to attend the ceremony
* Have to have a letter from the management company permitting
the nomination
* A Biography not to exceed 2 pages
* A list of the nominee's career longevity and community

and...there's more, but get this...

* A $15,000.00 APPLICATION FEE!

*whistles* Ouch! And even after all that, it could still get turned down and


"In order for a person to get a star on the Walk of Fame, he or she must agree to attend a presentation ceremony within five years of selection"

"The ten to fifteen most qualified artists nominated are eligible for a star to be installed in the Walk during the subsequent year.

so if it gets declined...

"Those not selected for the current year are requested to resubmit for the following nomination period."

I know in times of all this war and strife, something like this must seem trivial to most...but we just got interested about the process when we found out Bill doesn't have a star yet!!! It blew our minds! And although it's a huge endeavour...if I ever do get the means, I'd love to try and get him one! Because he deserves it. Just like that Oscar, he deserved it!

On to the fun stuff now though. I finally did get ahold of Ray yesterday and WE BOOKED OUR ROOM!!! WooHoo!! So we've got a nice room for 3 nights in Toronto when we go to the convention. It's not that far away either, a 3 minute cab ride at most or if we dare...ooooo the subway! :o lol So that's done, now all we need to do is look in the mail for special promo prices on certain peoples (they sent me one for Lijah last year, and I bought the special ticket, they've got me on the list), watch the online lists for updates, and SAVE SAVE SAVE!! Any extra money I have, will be going toward this weekend, this blast of a huge weekend!!

I'm so excited you have no idea! Every time I think about it, I get all giddy and smiling! Yes, that probably makes me a huge nerd, geek, wierdo, what have you...but I like it, I like it a lot!

And it's not all about the stars that go, it's a big part of it, but not all of it. You have to understand: I don't go to school where I can meet new people, I don't work in a very big office (there's 3 of us), and I go straight home after to take care of my home. I don't get out to meet people much. So when I get an opportunity like this, to meet people with the same interests, it really makes me happy. You meet people in line, you meet vendors and you get to know and trust them (I'll only order autographs from Daniel Cohen)...I mean, it's a different format, but if I hadn't been a fan of Billy Boyd, I would have never met a whole bunch of wonderful people! It's incredible.

Anyway, I should probably get back to work, I just wanted to spill somewhat, I've felt the need to since this morning...well, that and I've felt the need to climb back into bed...but this one's better...I think. ;D


quotes are from The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce and The Wikipedia Listing about the Hollywood Walk of Fame!

Both links provided by shadowhawck! Fankoo!!!

bill murray, sci-fi

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