"If this gets dented then...my hair just ain't gonna look right."

Dec 12, 2005 09:47

Hey all! Just here to remind you again, if you do want a Christmas Card from me, just click on the link below. Nobody but me will see so you're safe, or if you want to, you can just e-mail me, my addy is in my userinfo. Sometime by tomorrow night (Tuesday night) would be cool so I can have everything go out at once.

Christmas Card?

Anyway, the weekend went well. Friday night I finished another Christmas present, and still working on another one (hoping it'll be done in time, it's not looking hopeful though :( but I'm trying my best). Saturday Ray and I stayed home and went for that walk which produced this entry and then we set up the Christmas Tree. It's a great tree for $40...we got it at Canadian Tire :) It's not decorated yet but we're going to do that tonight before the Corner Gas Christmas Special comes on! I'm dyin for it, I can't wait! lol

Saturday night we also had a couple friends over and we ended up playing LOTR Monopoly!! It was so much fun, we ended up playing till 1am! lol.

Sunday went well, slept in, did that A Christmas Story post and then sat down, worked on the same Christmas present again on and off while getting ready for the church dinner! Which was so yummy...I was so full I could hardly keep my eyes open when I got home. lol

When Ray got home and was fed, we treated ourselves to a game of scrabble (we had some damn good words too!!) and watched the Black and White version of A Christmas Carol. Ahhh, that's the best version, IMHO.

Anyway, wishing everyone a good Monday and hoping it's not being too much of a bugger....just remember....


and just as a side note, Scarlett Johansson cut off all her hair! It looks good!!! Like really good, even though I loved her hair longer. I told DM and she said 'That girl would look good in a burlap sack'....which is true, that's why I hate her sometimes, even though I love her to pieces! Ah, I'm just jealous is all! lol

PSSSSHHHTTT...ETA...Many many MANY thanks to slashfairy for that kickass pic of Ewan! So nice!!! Thank you hon! And to xchasingtailsx for scanning it for her!!! You're feeding another little obsession...again! lol

scarlett johansson, ewan mcgregor, christmas, lotr

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