"She's never going to get him back with those cuticles!"

Oct 05, 2005 11:57

Oy, that's how goddamn bored I am, I'm looking at my nails...they're all icky. *looks around for cuticle butter* That and I'm contemplating things. I cannot remember for the life of me, which day is my friend Heather's birthday, today or tomorrow??? I usually judge by Julie's birthday...which is the 11th, but I can't remember if it's 5 or 6 days after Heather's????


Anyway, SOME birthday wishes are in order...

HAPPY BIFFDAY TO trashygothgirl!!! I know it was yesterday hon but I didn't get a chance to post here yesterday! Just know that I wanted to and you're on my mind! :) *HUGE BIRTHDAY HUGS*


Today is my last day at 2nd job...well, tonight is my last night...ever, finished, kaput...and omg I'm so happy that it is! Kind of hard to wrap my brain around the fact that I will have my nights and weekends to myself again. More time for cleaning eh? =/ Pleh!

Anyway, hope you all have a good day and that yours is more exciting than mine! *hugs & kisses*

birthday, work

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