"I'm bursting with fruit flavour."

Oct 03, 2005 13:07

Oy, I know I haven't updated in a while, and yes, I know I haven't updated regarding draconus_major's wedding...but this week has been a little exhausting and I just haven't mustered up the energy to make a huge post that I'd like to do. Remember the sci-fi con? Didn't post on that till several days later too.

Anyway, just doing a small scatty post to let you all know I'm alive and doing well. Only 2 more shifts at 2nd job to go! Thank Effing God! But I know they'll probly milk me for all I'm worth.

And in other news, have been enjoying playing around making icons lately so, I've started an icon journal, paws4a2nd_icons so I can post them there, instead of here! but there will be a link provided. I've had the idea for a while, just had to come up with a name and have the right skills and tools to make decent icons. And I have! I entered a challenge at gentlemen_icons, each week a different guy and that week was Jake Gyllenhaal, so I entered...and tied for 2nd place :). Am very proud of myself...and am seriously not bragging I swear, I'm just astounded and am trying to come to grips with it. :) Also made a Jake icon for slashfairy, one that she's been waiting on for a long time and I finally got it done yesterday.

Anyway...I said this was going to be a short post, right? Check out the journal and friend if you'd like. :)
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