Mmmhmmm...*yawn*....*sips more like 'gulps' tea*
Why? Why must men snore at 7am...when I still have a half an hour of blissful sleep still available?? And and...omg...right in my ear?? SPECIAL TORTURE! Don't even bother to ask him to roll over either because it just echoes off the walls. So no blissful dozing for kitty today...just getting up in a huff and him asking 'what's wrong?' =/ Take a wild guess.
On a better note,
draconus_major came over last night to suit me up for ren-fair garb for the wedding! Ooooooooooooooooo I loooooooooooove it!!! I looked like a wee hobbit lass! I love it! I'm going to beg and plead to borrow said hobbitty garb to wear to 'The Gathering' in 2006!! I've become
draconus_major's little dolly! lol XD
Was watching Breakfast Television this morning and they were in Yorkville asking people if they've seen any celebs while walking around. One guy said he saw Orlando Bloom just strolling down the street and then another time he saw Anthony Hopkins ... Another lady said she saw Gwyneth Paltrow with Apple walking around near her apartments. How cool is that! I love sightings like that. Plus they were talking about events that happened in 1964 (not necessarily Canadian mind you) and the very last one Liza mentioned, with a giggle was "And Actor Keanu Reeves was born in that year." Maybe she likes him? Dunno...but it brought a smile to my face and reminded me of
this picture! Awwww...wee little Keanu! I wonder if he knew he'd turn out such a hottie?? LOL
Anyway, can you tell I'm not awake, spouting off nonsense like this??? Plus the fact that I ended up doing laundry all day yesterday and not getting to bed till midnight on account of said laundry! And it's STILL NOT FINISHED! *dies*
ETA: Though, I forgot to add this....I was able to finally get the kick in the ass to make an icon for one of my characters at
slashcamp! I've got Topher being a bit sporty so I thought a little bit o class should be here is the icon I made for him (words are lyrics from 'We used to be friends' by the Dandy Warhols)
And, would also like to wish
warpedrealityjl and
xchasingtailsx a great first day back to college! *hugs*
Okay, now to get through the day in one piece! Do you think maybe I'll get some sleep tonight? For the answer to that question....see icon! *headdesk*