So! Gots me Constantine, gots Season 2 of Dead Like Me...and I think someone has stolen my husband and replaced him with one who likes to buy me movies with hot guys in it!!! Ray said "I wanted to buy you another Keanu movie because you need them."...with no hint of sarcasm whatsoever! Exsqueeze me? I mean who is this husband that asks me which
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Constantine looks really interesting, I really need to see it. But maybe you should check the back of your hubby's neck or look in the basement for a pod or something - wtf?! What a nice guy!
You're going to see The Island?!! You lucky girl. I'm really curious as to how much screen time Sean will have. You'll have to give me all the details later. I also really like Ewan. Could never resist a Scot!
Nice icons. I think my favourite is #1. Teh pretty!
Hope you guys have a quite Friday!
(Have you ever checked out Everything you ever wanted to know about movies/theatres/showtimes, etc. in Canada. It's actually a pretty good site. Hmmm... says here The Island is playing in two theatres near you.)
How's it going down there? I've got lots to do, but I don't feel like working! I'm sleepy and I wanna go home!
We're just having a tea and trying to finish stuff off....and DM just said something really silly...
"Take my teabag out grab a stick of juicy fruit...Do you see what these files are doing to me!" Woooooooooooooooooow!!!
You have to save us! Please! Prison Break! And make sure my tunnel leads to a great big locked closet with a thoroughly nude Keanu to do me as I see fit!
Here, let me remind you of your revenge!
"Fat guy in a little coat...fat guy in a little coooooooat!"
(Kitty, did she dip her juicy fruit in her tea?)
Let's all stage a prison break. Get me the hell outta here!!
(Although Michael is wearing shorts and a very tight T-shirt for casual Friday. Come 'ere, you stud muffin, you! Yum!)
Have a good time you lucky girl!
We will give a full report! *salutes*
(It's 4:20. I'm OUTTA here! You guys have a good weekend.)
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