I know I complain a lot on here but still...
...I don't get some people lately. They're all snippy when I try to help, I've got people calling me at work being all bitchy from the get go... what's going on? Is there a collective rod up society's ass lately?
It's getting so I have to be overly cheerful in the morning in order to have a good day because, as the day wears on, that cheerful is chopped away bit by bit. And it's hard to be cheerful in the morning as it is.
Just kind of fed up is all; with the snark, with reading about people having to put up with unnecessary bullshit when they're genuinely good people (it's the good people that get screwed of course), with the assumptions that things have to get done NOW and not really saying so... I just kind of have to guess.
In all this, I'm trying to get a massive amount of Christmas knitting done - and that's totally my fault for waiting so long. I'm tense, and I don't need any more snark when I'm genuinely trying to be helpful or doing something nice or having concern... I don't want to be around that. I don't really deserve that when I'm actually trying to be a good person. I may be selfish at times, but at least I admit that I am. I try my best, sometimes it's not really good enough, or I totally space and am made of fail... but I actually apologize for it, profusely.
Just think before you snark people, sometimes people have good intentions or mean well and they don't deserve to be met with a snippy response to their efforts.
Anyway, I have
kcountess coming over tonight to watch 24 and/or Long Way Round!!! Yay! Should be fun and I'm really looking forward to just sitting and knitting with a friend and watching some good shows! Just like Hallowe'en was awesome with
red_bansidhe and
shadowhawck, I love that tradition :) carving pumpkins, eatin pizza and watching the Broodwich! ;) That's the kind of stuff I like, relaxed, with friends and sharing a laugh.