"What do you hear Starbuck?"

Oct 20, 2009 13:25

Nuthin but the rain :D

Anyway, quick update - got a spinning wheel! Kromski Sonata, it folds up into a backpack and I've already spun some yarn on it! Wheeee!!

I've had bronchitis since the middle of September, which sucks - the medicine sucked worse until I went to the fracking clinic (they gave me better drugs than my actual doctor did :/ ) It's getting better now but not without inconveniencing people.

Mine and Ray's anniversary fell on Thanksgiving this year! 7 years married and we didn't even have to cook! lol Mom & Dad had the whole family over and we ate ate ate! Nothing left on the 24 pound bird.

Ray also got us Guitar Hero 5 for XBox 360!!! :D Been jamming out and downloaded the Killers track pack and 'Young Cardinals'.... I was one note off from getting perfect on Young Cardinals. S'ok though, I got 100% on 'Sex on Fire' :D hee hee hee, wonder why?

Anyway, quick update over! xo
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