"Beauty, eh?"

Apr 21, 2009 12:34

So it's about frickin time that Calgary won a game, after that disastrous first game which was a TOTAL RIP OFF btw!!! HE WAS IN THE CREASE!! It should've been called off, but because it was overtime and everyone was excited, they still counted it! :P on them!

And I made my point known at the sports store earlier today. I went in to see if I could order a pink and white Calgary jersey and the one guy (there were three of them) said "Did you check the Hawk's site" and I replied with "About as much as I checked the Habs' site!" and I was regailed with a chorus of "Oooooooooooooooooooo"'s and "I felt that one." LOLS That was the best bit of trash talk I've doled out lately, am very proud of myself! LOL

Anyway, I was thinking of wearing my Calgary jersey today but.... every time I wear it, they lose, everytime I watch a game, they lose... and I didn't watch last night. So instead, I have my little hockey shrine at work; my Kiprusoff mini-stick and my Iggy mini-helmet and figurine. So, hopefully that's enough for now.

In other matters, I shouldn't really be allowed to watch Sean Maher in anything cause it just wakes up the most significant HP fandom RPG character that just seemed to grab hold of my brain. Plus which I find myself hoping that Sean will come to the Toronto Sci-Fi con in August (guests are announced on May 1st)... though, I don't know what I'd say to him, I'd probably just knit him something, mumble something, OR I'd just take off cause I'd be way too nervous to meet him. Plus I'd probably upset Ray-Ray... which I don't want to do, even though Sean is great, Ray is better. I'm like that with everyone at these cons, I was shaking in my boots standing beside James Marsters, I got like, 5 words out when I met Elijah Wood, and I nearly freaked out when I met Juliette Landau... CAUSE SHE'S AWESOME! So I just have to buck myself up and make myself feel cool, even though I'm pretty far off.

So, Saturday, is the Knitter's Frolic in Toronto!! And cause of the ol birthday, I have a nice little frolic fund saved up so I can get:

* Yarn to make the 'Vixen Camisole' in 'Sensual Knits'
* Socks that Rock in several colours (hopefully)
* Misti Alpaca Sock yarn
* Sock yarn to make the 'Viper Pilot' socks! So say we all!!

If I have anything left over, I have no idea what I'd get... if they have roving for spinning, probably some of that, if not, maybe a pair of Addi Turbo needles. Anyway, sorry for the knitspeak and all the random info in this post, but I have to get it out.

If nothing, help me out and cheer 'GO FLAMES GO' for me a little bit?? :*

sean maher, hockey, jarome iginla, yarn, knitting, miikka kipprusoff, firefly, tv, calgary flames

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