
Jan 30, 2009 13:30

Yes, I'm in a bit of a good mood today for a few reasons:

1. Last night was fun, watched SPN, went to Book Depot, had pizza and wings for dinner!

2. Going to the yarn shop the bus told me to go to tomorrow... lots of nice yarns, new books, gadgets...wheeee!

3. Started my February Lady Sweater at lunch today and got the 3 rows of the collar done!

4. I have leftover pizza so I don't have to cook tonight!


5. My first ever out-of-town Estate file came back!!!!! WooooooooooooooT! We have a new program for doing estates and it's awesome, but I was only worried because I didn't know if there was any special procedure at the Ottawa Superior Court of Justice that I should know about! It was so quick too... it only took a couple weeks! *is very proud of self*

*hugs to all*

P.S. Wasn't Jensen Ackles rockin those gym teacher shorts last night?? RAWR!

knitting, sweater, supernatural, books, work, home, yarn

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