"Anyone for Tennis?"

Jan 29, 2009 12:22

... because I would much prefer Tennis and the nice weather that comes with it than feeling like snowshoes would be a very good investment at this point. :/ Snow EVERYWHERE! Here's proof too, pics of the smexy hubby (who loves this weather by the way...I don't get it) on the porch and the snow that he was shovelling last night (the pics are kind of dark... sorry)

And my knitting obsession continues on... I'm going to cast on for my first sweater once I'm done my Gelato socks (the one project I forgot to photograph), however, I did take a pic of my ONE finished Rivendell sock! Yes one, now I just have to get up the gumption to cast on for the second one.

To prove that it's not just me egging myself on, the fates have been working. Why else would a bus with an ad for Rose's Fine Yarns on the back of it be in front of us last night hmmm? Me, Mum & Ray are going on Saturday and I just found out that they're having a sale on ALL yarns including some very sought after stuff that just came in! YAY! Even though that means I'm in trouble and need to curb myself and be a good girl.

Well, I can do that by staying inside and knitting what I already have.... and I will be finding some cashmere, hopefully ;) But I can keep warm cause I'm wearing the Cabled Alpaca Socks Nana made for me! They're gorgeous and so warm!

Anyway, that's enough of my inane ramblings... SPN tonight which is really good and maybe a trip to the Book Depot right after work to peruse books. :)

snow, knitting, supernatural, books, weather, socks, yarn

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