"The Cat came back, the very next day"

Jan 23, 2009 12:07

I'm in a kind of wierd mood today (don't ask me why cause I don't know why, it's just a funny feeling). So to cheer myself up a little bit, I remembered watching 'The Hour' last night and George informed us that the National Film Board of Canada has posted all of its classic shorts that I remember from when I was a kid!!!

Here's just a few for you to watch - and if you've never seen them, you're missing out! It's a Canadian thing! Enjoy!

The Cat Came Back (Oscar Nominated)
The Sweater (as much as I'm not a Habs fan, this one's still cute and about Maurice "The Rocket" Richard)


I think this is my Favourite - The Log Driver's Waltz (must've seen this one about a million times! Saturday afternoons, Sunday afternoons... it's still cute, I still love it)

ETA: I didn't know this (partially) but a scene from 'The Sweater' is depicted on the back of the Canadian $5 Bill! I just thought it was a cute hockey scene showing our love of the sport, but it's actually from 'The Sweater'. :)


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