"Hush lil' brewski don't you leak, Daddy wants to drink for at least a week."

Jan 22, 2009 12:44

So, in my sickly stupor, I've been enchanted by yet another knitting blog - Knit and Tonic in which I found the pattern for a very awesome hat 'Le Slouch' that has been made and I look cute in it .... so people say.

There was one post in there though (wayyyyyyyy back in the archives) where she said that knitting isn't a very funny subject. I beg to differ... though it's addiction humour. For examples...

1. Whenever I'm knitting and Nana is nearby, having nothing to knit herself, her hands start to twitch in a manner where she's 'invisi-knitting' and asks if she could 'do a row' .... same with red_bansidhe - 'just lemme do a row...' where she's trying to finish before the lunch-hour is over.

2. Whenever anyone says 'I need to get new needles'... nuff said.

3. When you find yourself inhaling the new alpaca yarn you got straight from the farm and it still smells new.... and passing it round for other people to take a hit.

4. Whenever I get in the car with new yarn to share with my mom and she asks 'did you bring the stuff?'.

There is more, I just can't think of anything at the moment... but it is kind of like an addiction, especially building up a good stash, even though you have tons of yarn already, there's still pretty yarn out there to get.

Anyway, cough is getting better so I'm not going to call the doctor, it just seems to be lingering and tapering off annoyingly slow. Plus I think everyone's getting sick of me being sick, or rambling about yarn.... hmmm, probably not the best post to have written then?

knitting, sick, yarn

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