"You know, fizzy-good-make-feel-nice?" "Oh, Alka Seltzer"

Jan 15, 2009 11:52

Alrighty - so I went to the doctor again, seems I have bronchitis.... again. The Penicillin didn’t take when I went to see him the first time, it got better and then the next day I was still coughing, actually coughing worse. So, he gave me Biaxin... which I vaguely remembered as being really tough on getting rid of the bronchitis, but had really horrible side effects - I was right.

I’m coughing less but the biaxin is making me so tired, BUT can’t seem to sleep because it alters your taste... so I wake up every hour or so with this horrible bitter taste in my dry mouth. Sorry for the TMI but it sucks - also I feel very hungry all the time but nauseous too, this biaxin is making me very dyslexic. Nana has the same thing - her's is worse though and has to take the biaxin as well, I hope she's faring better than I am, she seemed in good spirits when she called yesterday, laughing in spite of a very raspy cough. Mine is very different, it's low and kind of pressurized deep in my chest. Nana sounds like hers is breaking, mine sounds like a low rumble and wheeze.... I feel like 'Heen' from Howl's Moving Castle :(

Oh well, stayed home yesterday cause I felt like ick incarnate and it seemed to be freeze-your-extremeties-off cold too (just like today), watched Ray play video games in between naps and he made me some nice soup and finally finished one of the Rivendell socks (thank Goodness, took me long enough) but tis awesome, I need to start the other one, and then finish the matching sock to my Gelato socks.

And now I’m feeling the hungry again.... wish the boss would go for lunch so I could eat!!!!

OH and as a side note, totally in love with Black Books, everything about it makes me laugh and hopefully my Dad will like it too - his friend Al didn’t much care for it so I’m thinking Dad might already be prejudiced against it - hope not tho!

knitting, sick, weather, socks, videogames, bronchitis

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