"Let's eat turkey in my big brown shoe"

Oct 14, 2008 12:31

LOL! Okay, so as much fun as I had over the weekend, I really need to find a way to cook all this turkey! I think Turkey Divan tonight but... maybe soup, or the frittata I saw on Global this morning. We'll see.

Anyway, weekend was great, got the house cleaned up and on Saturday, Ray took me out for Sushi and we went to see 'Nick & Norah's infinite playlist'. It was early Anniversary date night - only one day early but still, I loved it. The sushi was great and so was the movie - very cute, chock full o music and really funny! I'd see it again in a heartbeat.

Sunday, was a bit stressful as I'd never cooked a turkey before, but it came out alright - Ray took pictures of it for me too (hee hee) so I'll have those up soon, most likely in this post as an edit. Still... a 20lb bird turned out to be just what I thought it was going to be - too much! My arms are still sore from lifting the thing out of the oven so many times! So I've got lots of leftovers and I need to be creative! Any ideas?

Yesterday was turkey at Nana's!!! We were still full from the day before when we got there, but Nana's cooking cannot go to waste... the gravy was heaven, the stuffing ... omg, and the YAMS! Oh the Yams *Smacks Dave from Titus around for trying to steal said Yams*. It was a great night and Uncle Cliff made a bonfire so we could roast marshmallows and my little cousin Daniel had never had a roasted marshmallow before :) So it was really cute to see him eating it, sticky hands and all. Also, got an invitation to watch Iron Man on BluRAy at Uncle Dave's house on Saturday .... I'm so there!!!!!

So today, is voting day and I've got my mind pretty much made up, reviewed all the party platforms and took a look at the representatives in my riding... I think I'm good to go! Just have to walk down the street from my house to the Seniors' Centre and cast my vote. Should be an interesting turnout for sure!

holidays, cooking, family, movies

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