"Give me a Scotch, I'm starving."

Oct 09, 2008 12:46

Hooray... the advil has kicked in! Let me explain...

Sitting in bed, I called Ray in from the other room.... took him a long time so I went to see what whas up, tensed up at the door and he scared the bejeezus out of me when he appeared right there. Hence, being tensed up and being startled threw something in my back into an unpleasant twist. So advil was needed.

Other than that I'm ok, with lists about Thanksgiving running through my head and making me hungry at the same time. I know it won't be absolutely perfect and I'm not trying to make it so, but, 'good' would be good - like it'd be sweet if I didn't burn the bird! lols

Anyway, Ray's dad popped by last night which gave me a chance to watch Iron Man again! Woooooooooooooooo and to keep going on some knitting that frustrated me to no end at the office while I was waiting to be picked up. I was frustrated already with these friggin invoices that ALWAYS seem to need to be edited and ALWYAS the formatting is effed up and ALWAYS I can never see the gridlines of the tables (and trust me, I've done everything to make them darker short of taking a sharpie to my monitor) so I end up two inches away from the screen with my mouth gaping open... I probably look like a mackerel, and swearing at the stupid thing under my breath. So there was that frustration, then slipping a stitch on the knitting and then getting home and Ray mistaking my frustration for anger.... bleh, not a good 15 minutes when I got home but it all got explained, I got to knit, eat, watch Iron Man and then finally go to bed.

Wow, bitchfest ... didn't intend on that. I'll have to update after Thanksgiving, maybe even take pictures... unless of course I did end up burning the bird in which case, you'll see me on the news.

But let's think positive again... Calgary Flames home opener tonight against the Canucks.... Mwahahahahahaha... they're goin down!

knitting, cooking, movies

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