"Oh my god I can't believe you don't shut up!"

Dec 15, 2006 15:33

Ehn....Ehn......come ooooooooooooooooooon!!! *whines*


I think DM may kill me by the end of the day! I've got mentionitis and I'm gagging, falling over myself wanting to talk about last night!

And I would, but the thing is, Ray and I took massive amounts of pics, and 3 whole songs worth of videos of The Miniatures show last night!! I want to have all the vids and pictures up so I can post them here to go with the huuuuuuuuuuuuuuugeass post I'm going to make about the night....so, tomorrow, it is one of the things I'm going to do! Gonna hijack Ray's memory card from his phone and DL all the stuffs he filmed, mine too....god, it was a great night!

Ehn.....*dances around* Me......want.........TALK!!! ACK!

Okay....to satiate myself.....Finally met Ian and Ryan from the band and LESLIE! Ryan's girlfriend was so sweet and we had a lot of fun talking and hanging out before and after the show. :)

There....oh, there's more, really...but like I said the vids, and I don't want to be a huge chatty Cathy right now, my head's a bit fuzzy still and I need my visual props! lmao!

If you do want to know though.....SAY SO!! *ehn .....please!*

the miniatures, concerts

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