"Tonight, tonight hot damn tonight!"

Dec 14, 2006 15:09

YAYS!! Today is Thursday people!! Thursday the 14th!! Which means, along with me being unbearably chipper and hyper, it means tonight is when I get to go and see The Miniatures again! WoooooooT!! And this time, no freezing rain on the skyway! Eeps that was scary! lol

I'm just waiting to hear from the guys about when they're going to be on because Melissa said she wasn't going to be able to make it cause they're on so early....so, I wouldn't want to be sitting at home watching Chrismukkah (although I can't wait for that either) and be missing the Minis!! That would be tragedy!! So she said to mail the guys and they'd let me know....so I did. :D

But just to let everyone on my f-list know....THERE'S STILL TIME!!!! If you want to go, let me know and I'll get tickets for you! Of course you have to be in the vicinity of St. Catharines but still, for the very few of you in the area or near that can make the trip down, it would be well worth it! Just comment and I'll mail you with details and directions of course :D

Anyway, to just pimp them out a little bit more....here's the music vid for their song 'No Cure' Enjoy :D

the miniatures, concerts

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