"Do you want to see Bobby Flay in a sarong? Hand me the remote!"

Aug 22, 2006 23:13

okay, so something just cheered me up extremely! I was a bit bummed out when I got home today, for reasons that I won't go into, cause they're kind of silly. But I just finished watching the new episode of Miami Ink...and I CAN'T WAIT TILL NEXT WEEK!!! Caaaaaaaaaaaause...ANTHONY BOURDAIN IS GETTING A TATTOO FROM GARVER NEXT WEEK!

Holy Crap! I couldn't believe it! I love Anthony Bourdain, he's so fricking cool! His books are hilarious, filled with dry wit and sarcasm and he can drink anyone under the table. His shows are just that good too! I can't wait till next week's show, it's gonna rock.

And on September 10th, I may be going to see Mobile again. They're not doing a concert but they're basically having a 'hang out with our fans' afternoon at the MuchMusic Store in Toronto :) So I kind of begged and pleaded and asked my dad to just drop me off and he could go and hunt for books while I hang with my favourite band. Because that would just be so cool. I love these guys, they're very sweet and humble and I'd love to get a chance to talk to Matt when he wasn't all out of breath and exhausted, lol.

Anyway, I'm going to bed, I'm frickin exhausted, even though I had a 2 hour nap....it's been a long night.


miami ink, mobile

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