Okay, first you need to go read
report, which is much funnier and more informative, but I shall do my 'umble best. ;)
First off, it was brilliant. My second favourite con, lagging slightly behind The Hub2 because that was Suki's and my first con EVAH so we have fond memories.
We didn't get lost. Not once, I promise. Okay, I was late getting to Suki's place but she's used to that. *g* TomTom worked perfectly so we took the right turnings. Eep!
Got to the hotel, very nice indeed, met up with
accioscar and
sweet_exile and off to the Opening Ceremony. Then off to the Gold Reception. Colin Teague, the director of several episodes of Torchwood including 'Meat', was there and I verbally diarrheaed all over him. He was at once stoic and friendly. Not an easy mix.
Kai was adorable, as always. Naoko was stunningly beautiful, sweet and generous.
Saturday was busy. Ho boy, was it busy. Autograph lines, photoshoots, Q&As, and, as usual, Showmasters had it all in hand and there was no confusion. They know how to run a con. Colin was scheduled to appear on Sunday but had to toddle off so the programme was changed almost seamlessly. Serious props to the Showmasters fanboys!
Embarrassing Memorable signing line incident. A post-it with my personalised name was attached to the photo I wanted signed:
Me: Hi! *manically*
Tom: Hi! I had a neighbour called 'Kitty' *charmingly*
Me: Was her real name 'Kathleen'?
Tom: Yes it was! What's your real name?
Me: Sue
Tom: ...
Me: I saw you in Doctors. I bet that's the first time you've heard that this weekend.
Tom: *eyeing me suspiciously* It is, actually. That was a weird shoot.
At a later Q&A, Tom said Doctors was the one job he'd like to remove from his CV. *sigh*
Suffice to say, the final Q&A with all guests had the audience crying with laughter. Ian Gelder and Susan Brown, two very experienced and dignified actors of my generation *ahem* got the joke and were hilarious, particularly Ian. On the signing line, we agreed that we remembered the '60's far too well to have properly experienced them. Which will only be funny to peeeps of our generation but I'm allowed to be indulgent. *g*
Naoko said something vaguely disgusting and was sent out of the room, at which point Tom and Kai took a lap. Tom won! This makes absolutely no sense to anyone who wasn't there but it's very late and I should be in bed.The guests were, without exception, amusing, approachable, friendly and very funny. Eve Myles is mental! Vibrant, full of energy, beautiful. At my photoshoot with her:
Me: Hi! *manically*
Eve: Hello! *puts arm around me*
Me: That's such a pretty dress
Eve: Thank you! I'll give it to you later.
Me: Yeah, that'll fit.
Eve: *giggles madly*
It was really, really good. As if you hadn't guessed.