Oct 11, 2004 20:59
Haha, to tell you the truth, Im in a pretty good mood right now. I just felt like saying that line for a couple of days now, so there it is. Last week was a good/interesting week. It was homecoming! Woo hoo - retirement castle lost at everything - but I dont mind. Variety show kicked ass and the people we wanted to win, won! Thats the DZ's, Pikes, and AGR boys - the Pikes and AGRs are probably the hottest guys on campus (and the best in bed... wink wink... just kidding, how am I to know). But yes, tuesday was a fun day, lots of fun. Then yell like hell was thursday. That show kinda blew chunks.... well not really. But I think it couldve been better then it was. I remember alot more crowd participation in the years past. But I must say Corban/Olson's Mario Brother dance thing was hot. And good job Charlie - v.cute. And good job to everyone on their homecoming stuff that they did - it was all good.
Oh and now to the fun stuff - the weekend! Friday I wasnt planning on getting too gussied up, cuz I wasnt planning on running into anyone I wanted to impress. But I still looked hot, as we all did. But I must say, wearing a cowboy hat at the bars really gets you some attention. I think the guy from the Macomb Seen? newspaper took a picture of me and Erika - woo hoo! Keep your eye's peeled for that one boys. And I got yelled at for dancing on the speaker, and then told to get back on it. Make up your mind Pace bar boys. And basically, even though the Pace wasnt as much fun as I wanted, I still had a good time. Sidenote - the Pace lately is not my scene. Well, I'll rephrase that, it wasnt what I wanted friday night, but I went. It's not bad sometimes, but I like other places. And if my friends keep wanting to go to the same two fucking bars over and over again, Im gonna start going to the bars I WANT by myself. booya grandma! Ok, Im done complaining. Onto saturday night!
Saturday night, well saturday, lets start there. I actually was up real early and went to the parade with Katie. It was pretty good. We made comments on the people and floats and had deep conversations that girls tend to have. Then I took a shower (I know you wanted to know all this). Then it was off to tailgating. And let me tell ya, it was crowded as all fuck in the pit. I saw a bunch of people I havent seen in awhile or just love to see. For example, Lindsay Bragg, my hot mamma! She kicks patooty still and always will. Oh, and the sad thing about tailgating was that since I took a shower after the parade, I was running late, and I got there around 12:30 and I only got to drink a taste of CapN'Coke *tear* I wanted more. Then we watched a kick ass football game. I yelled alot and said many bad words directed towards the teams and the bugs that ate me alive. Then I went to work - woo fucking hoo
Saturday night was get drunk and fucked up night. And even though I wasnt going to do that, I got talked into getting drunk. Thanks girls! I drank a double jagerbomb, about 3 shots of everclear mixed with juice, some boons farm raspberry lemonade, and half a blue motherfucker. Let me tell ya - I was feeling pretty damn good. And I called several people to let them know. Sorry if I annoyed you, but you know you loved it. And some guy told me he wanted to be my boyfriend, only problem was he is some sleezy Cuban artists who I wouldnt even talk to if I was a tiny bit more sober. Damn you alcohol. At least all I did was dance with him.... and give him my phone number. Eeep. Note to self, block that number if he ever calls again. Oh and I was pretty funny and loud and I bought a bunch of banquent dinners. And that was my drunk as fuck night. It was good.
And today is monday, I have work in the morning (dont want to go) and I got lots of homework to do, which I keep avoiding. And I'll update you later on more stuff. Peace out peeps.