I LOVE Houston!!!!

Apr 18, 2005 22:53

You know you're from Houston if:
1. you know what a feeder road is...
2. you know the entire Insurance Depot jingle
3. you're an extremely defensive driver
4. you like eating at any of the pappas restuarants
5. you refer to all freeways by there numbers (ie 45, 10, 288, 59, 610, etc)
6. you're not used to pedestrians crossing the street, especially since EVERYBODY in houston has a car.
7. road construction has become a part of daily life.
8. when it actually gets cold enough to "Freeze" in the winter, everybody makes a big deal about it and school is usually cancelled.
9. humidity is normal to you.
10. the weather advisories at the bottom of your screen on local television either 1. don't scare you, or 2. annoy you because they're interrupting your program.
11. you're obsessed with the ASTROS!!! or everyone around you is
12. "you're still upset at OJ Simpson not b/c he may or may not have killed his ex-wife, but for the fact that his stupid police chase interrupted the Rockets in the NBA Finals"
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