New steps with no progress

Sep 01, 2010 19:30

Went to see a specialist today. Well the specialists practional nurse. Hey even she seems more knowledgable about c diff then my physician...which is why he refered me. I told her I had c diff... tested for it and everything...and that i'm on a second course of metronidazole and it's been 3 weeks on the second course... her eyes looked like they were gonna pop out of her head. She had to ask me exactly how long i was on this medicine....and that it's bizzare that I was on a second course..instead of the OTHER medicine choice by now.

So she said... stop taking it. Asked about pains... I told her it hurts alot in the upper...and she said the medicine could have been creating the pain and I think she suspects and ulcer. SO much information... it gets all jumbled. sense i have had an ulcer before... it is quite possible. :/

Anyway. She wants to wait a week before any "scopes" (what she caleld them...i'm guessing colonoscopy and endoscopies) to get the medicine out of my system. Kinda sucks knowing i will have this for MORE then another week ;_; But at the same time... if the medicine is what's making me feel SOOoooo freakin sick.... it might be more bareable. I had diarrhea for 3 weeks before i started it and all i felt was weakness from time to time. No naseua, vomiting, cramping... now it's like everything with a cherry on top.

So Friday is my CT scan at an ungodly hour in the morning... along with stool tests (embarrassing btw)... and blood work.

Physician and the nurse practitioner both suspect I might have colonitis (inflamation of the colon caused by the bacteria eating at the inner lining... something like that). Which is TOTALLY cure able... i was worried... it sounds like something i'd have to live with when the physician mentioned it, but my grandmother said she's had it twice because she has IBS. Thank goodness it's cureable. xP And she said she had a friend who battled with C diff and it took a long time for him too.

So now i'm disinfecting everything. And Terra... as much as I want you to visit me... it'll have to wait. Michael says I should ask you to help me clean sense i'm so exauhsted and weak and need the help... but your my friend...and even he agrees it's not fair to potentially get a friend sick. So i'd rather you not visit to pick up yosh till i'm better and this place is wiped down. Although it is's hard to actually get. Docs and readings said most people have c diff in thier system, but it's dormant or held at bay by good bacteria... OR people who do get it or it becomes active... thier immune system will get rid of it along with the good bacterias. So unless someone has just gotten off antibiotics (like how i got it).. or thier immune system is comprimised (IE recovering from the flu... or some other horrible illness that requires alot of work)... then the chances of getting it is very very low.

But at any rate... DON'T COME. I will bring Yosh when i'm better... or if you wanna visit while i'm getting better and have cleaned the crap out of this place... thent hat's fine too :3 (i've made it my goal to avoid the guest bathroom at all costs... so if people do come over... they WONT get anything :3)
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