Aug 29, 2010 17:01
So... I was going through my wardrobe of things that I don't really wear anymore, but I have a huge emotional bond too...and I stumbled on the perfect dress to welcome Michael home in. Omgosh I'm so excited about the idea... it'll be super romantic (at least for me).
The dress I meet michael for the first time in. It's PERFECT for a welcome home dress. It still fits me great... it's a bit on the revealing side, but i have things to cover my shoulders... it'll probably be colder, but I'll find a cute jacket to go with it... I have two pairs of shoes that'll be perfect... omgosh... eeeeeeeee *giddy*
Today is an up ish day. Who knows how it'll end though. Ya never know! But i'm not getting off my lazy ass this time around. On my up days i've been going to the grocery store... book store... or just browse Ross (havn't bought a single thing from it though). :p
So today I did some budgetting. And without trying too hard we can have a flat screen tv (not touching our savings and investments) by mid october to beginning of november. Depending on a tv I find. :3 I might put one on layaway if I find one before then that I really want. :3 Or I might just wait for christmas to get one... that flat screen can be a christmas present for each other. :p Like the washer and dryer last year.