Jan 08, 2011 16:20
in an effort to get back into the posting zone, and as somewhat of a 365 project i think i am going to start answering lj's 'question of the day'. that could be fun, non? i'd love it if you shared your answers too, from time to time.
the debut query: what is the first thing you do when you wake up??
if i have time to kill, i turn on my laptop and check the bbc news. kitten usually comes for snuggles. and i drink a big glass of water (i am alllways feeling dehydrydated when i first wake up..) .. i will also usually lie there for a moment and reflect on my dreams. i usually dream everynight, and can usually recall them upon waking. but if you don't actively recall them (and sometimes even if you do) they fade away into the ether pretty fast.
haha. riveting stuff folks.