February Already?

Feb 01, 2022 00:12

Wow, I can't believe January is already over.

I lost two weeks of January being sick. I'm pretty sure my fam got omicron-ed... but we couldn't actually get ahold of a test, so I don't know that for sure.... but the symptoms all fit the list and I was pretty much knocked out for two weeks and barely did more than sleep and rest.

Although I've mostly "caught up" with urgent life things, my creative goals definitely took the biggest hit. So, February will continue to be a catch up month!

I'm planning to finish the snowflake challenge, get back to writing, finish the long fic I was working on, write some goodreads reviews, and hit some of my other fannish goals in the coming weeks.

I hope you are all well! And I hope to see everyone around LJ more as I work on getting plugged back in!

covid, sick kitty is sick, rl

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