Snowflake Challenge 1

Jan 01, 2022 21:22

Challenge #1: In your own space, update your fandom information!

This one is a bit challenging for me this year because my fandom presence is sort of up in the air.

I'm still trying to figure out where my fandom home will be.

DW has never really worked for me. I tried pillowfort and tumblr but they didn't really fit either.

LJ has always felt most like home, so I want to try participating and interacting on here again in 2022. I'm curious to see how many others are still around or coming back here and what the vibe will be here.

I've also spent the last few months locking down a lot of my older fandom content so most everything is or will be under at least a friends lock.

Yet this challenge still speaks to me because I love organization (especially with a new year laid out before me... )

I updated my LJ profile. My About Me post is surprisingly still pretty much up to date or it would be if I was more active.

My Where to Find Me post not so much...
And definitely not my Fic Masterlists...

Those may need to be done another day!

+ snowflake challenge, about me

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