Feb 12, 2004 15:09
This is such a freaken hard decision. See I failed Calc once already, I didn't plan on failing it again. But my god, I hate my freaken calc teacher. I wonder if I can take calc in a CUNY or something. maybe they'll have better calc teachers? Oh yeah, doing last minute calc hw so does NOT kick ass.:( I fell asleep bottoms up last night at 2 and woke up around 4. Thank god I did.x.X; I wanted to rest my eyes and ended up falling asleep. -_-; But yeah tedacher gave us sections 9-13 to do. Or so I thought he did. Stupid mr. Feingold.x.X; Apparently our TA said he just wanted 9-10. T.T; Made me worry like a bitch ARGH!! oh yeah..xDD On a side note, Psychology is sooo great!! I love my psychology teacher.xD There are different stages in babies. One of them is where they make inanimate objects real! hence the "I love the Sun! He is my friend! he always follows me around." Or! The... "::TRIPS!" ~ Kid... ::Turns around to kick whatever made him trip.:: This is for kids roughly from years 4-7. I find it hilarious.xD Because adults do the same thing too. haha, just not as much because we are more developed. But whenever a machine eats our money, don't we curse and scream at it? and then kick it some hoping that it would spit our money out? Anyway, also did you know that they did a study on Monkeys? Or rather Harlow did. Dr. harlow decided to take baby monkeys away because he wanted to prove that babies didn't attach to parents because of nourishment. So therefore he isolated a couple baby monkeys. The baby monkeys were placed in separate cages and had no physical contact with each other. Inside the cages there were two inanimate objects representing the monkeys parents. The baby monkeys can either choose a cold wired, but attached was a milk bottle, or they can choose to cling to a very soft towel. Studies showed that the baby monkeys clung to the towels for their dear lives, basically for comfort, and only until nature forced them to do so, will they unwillingly let go and go to the wired mother for milk. So as these little harlow monkeys grew up they became Isolated, and bad mothers and antisocial monkeys. They would kill their babies because they didn't know what they were supposed to do. Awww..:-/ Therefore, it is shown that babies need their mothers for not only protection but warmth and comfort. Especially human babies. The thing with human babies is that they are very dependent. There have been no studies, but it is shown that if orphanage babies are given to a very loving family at an early age, they will thrive better. Also it is also shown that during child birth, a child makes contact/ bond with the mother/parents. This will help the child thrive better as well. This is about 1/8 of the stuff I learned today. I really can't type up anymore. But hey, this is one hell of an interesting topic that I thought would be nice to share will my fellow livejournalers. So if you have anything to add or something, let me know. =3 And if there are any psych majors out there. It'd be great for feed back on how to study psych. haha, it is like bio.x.X;; all over again.=3 cept more fun.^_^ Anyway ja mata minna san. I have to go to piano lesson class.x.X; Man if only piano could be like a game or something.x.X;
~<3 kit
Lao gong, I hope this can be of some interest to ya.:D let me know.^__~ take care sweetie!<3 muah!<3