Feb 11, 2004 00:01
Okay, Prof. Merriwether is the best psychology teacher I've ever met, but...today she scarred me for life.x.X; It was really really hell whole for me. From now on I swear I'm gona scream at all the girls who don't let guys wear fucken condoms for one night stands.x.X I saw a 5-10 minute video of childbirth given at home. Okay, I don't think I would've broken down in class if the woman was given some clothes and the camera wasn't directly aiming at the baby's head.x.X; THing is she was naked from top to bottom, this isn't a hot pretty white girl here.x.X Pregnant mother boobs on the side of her stomach kinda thing.x.X If anyone watches Eva, whenever shinji screams when he saw Eva go crazy.... I wanted to do that. I wanted to scream, really loud. but I started crying. I couldn't look, it was like the woman was having sex and being slaughtered at the same time. I went berserk, so many images flashed in my head. And after I lowered my head I felt my body shake and I started to weep. I don't know why either, but I started to cry just when the baby popped out. My friend's face just turned all red as she hid her face on my arm. She asked me if I saw anything. I couldn't say anything to her, because I couldn't watch it. I mean if anyone watched miracle of life.... this flick was TEN TIMES AS WORSE.x.X; I wanted to just huddle in the corner and cry and not come out of my little hole until the flick ended. I don't even know what I was thinking when I did what I did..@.@ It was like a reflex mechanism, I just couldn't stand it.x.X; And thank god thank thank god my friend was there to hold me. She calmed me down afterwards....>_<; Afterwards she just kept rubbing my back. mann, it is soo good to have friends who care.<3 Thank you vicky. And yes, that is the highlight of my day.=3 Other than that, my roomie's friend stewart came up to me and tried to shake my hand. I was about to give my meal plan card thing to the lunch lady and suddenly he grabbed my hand well slowly, and shook it.x.X I was like..::Starre..:: hiiiii..^^;; "Heeyy! I was looking for you today!" ...T.T Such enthusiasm.T.T eh?^^; That was funny though.xD FEi was like.."wow grace I was like ' what a hot guy! he is with GRACE?!' " LOL! On another side note, I accidently pushed the tray of this guy into him and the water spilled all over his notebook.:( He gave me the killing stare.x.X and said.."Can you at least pick up my book?" I apologized obviously but he just kept staring at me.x.X; oh well...sorry..kid.x.X; >_< so yeah... that made me lose my appetite.x.X; I ended up eating a salad and a serving of mashed potatoes and one chocolate chip coockie.>_<; so that is my breakfast, lunc ha nd dinner.^_^ Joy!:D Anyway, take care everyone!<3