From the One campaign

May 24, 2005 17:15

An email I received from the ONE campaign - It's a great action group that so far has stayed on its basic premise and hasn't strayed into partisan territory/activism. Please consider signing on and joining ONE:

Dear Friend,

This summer, President Bush and seven other leaders from the world's wealthiest nations will gather to discuss the fate of the ONE billion people around the world living in extreme poverty. In early July, the Group of Eight (G8) will discuss the major social, political and economic conditions that contribute to extreme poverty.  There are historic plans in place to beat poverty in Africa and the poorest countries. This is our chance to support our leaders in making these plans a reality. Let's raise our voices as ONE to Make Poverty History.

Tell your friends about ONE today!

Your voice is already making a difference.  Yesterday's Washington Post featured ONE and our efforts to build "a permanent big-tent movement" to urge President Bush and other world leaders to take action at the G8 and lead an entire generation out of poverty.  Together we can build this movement.

Ask your friends, family and colleagues to join us at this crucial moment

Together as ONE, we can let President Bush know Americans support the fight against global AIDS and poverty!

On June ONE, we will launch an unprecedented mobilization of Americans calling on President Bush to deliver a historic deal for the world's poor at the G8 Summit.  If everyone who reads this e-mail encourages just 3 friends to join ONE, we will be well over ONE MILLION strong in time for the G8 Summit. That's ONE million voices united behind ONE message: Make Poverty History!

Make history this summer.  Tell your friends that NOW is the time for action - ask them to join you for the largest-ever movement against global poverty in American history.

Thank you,

The ONE Team

P.S. For more information about the G8 and the historic opportunity to fight global poverty and AIDS through more and better aid, debt cancellation and trade justice, click here.

poverty, faith, important causes, africa

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