It's been fucking freezing here in Madison.
A couple days ago, the temperature actually dropped 40º in 2 days.
Is this even real?
Even though I've been living here for almost 4 years, I still find myself unprepared & shocked by winter every time.
I guess to me it already felt like winter when we hit 40º. It's hard for me to remember how below zero feels.
We've been going out to eat a lot, it's hard to stay raw in this weather. We want WARMY food!
We're really behind in all the Christmasy stuff. We haven't done any shopping yet :o
It's ok though, because we celebrate both Christmas & Magic Kings Day (night of January 5th) and since that's the only holiday with presents involved in Spain we still have some time to figure my family's presents out!
I'll be doing some intense Christmas decoration & things soon & will post pics of the prettyness :)
I've been making lovely things for the shop and I am so very excited!
I finally finished a couple of designs for products I had been dreaming about for a long time!
I can't wait to launch it in January!
♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥
Here's some of the exciting stuff that's been going on @
·Mystical·Magical·Magnificent· lately....
I've always been very interested in occult, supernatural or magical matters , and it was always part of my plans to have a category dedicated to these intriguing subjects on my blog.
♥ I started my Practical Magic series with an article on
Numerology & the Magic behind Numbers. ♥ I wrote about how being selfish is sometimes the best favor you can do all of us! in
·Selfishly Good· ♥ and talked about how to change thought patterns & beliefs in
.Change your mind.Change your life. ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥
I hope everyone is having a good winter!
I know it's cold everywhere (I bet is hard for you to beat our temperatures though!) but sometimes we all need a little hibernating to catch up with ourselves.