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Mar 03, 2004 15:05

Ok seriously...this cold needs to go to hell. Like holy shit...I've had the damn thing for over a month now...and it doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon. I've come to the conclusion that doctors don't know shit, and this cold is gonna be the cause of my death. Another thing I've realized...I think the reason this cold is still hangin around is because I've had absolutly no down time to relax and recoup. Yah I had 5 days off to go to Saskatoon...but do you really think I had anytime to relax?! NO...every single day Sandra was like...ok so now we're gonna do this and then later we're doing that...and so on. Fuckin' I was rushed every day to get ready...and HI it's me here...it doesn't take me long to get ready...so that just goes to show how pushed for time we were everyday! Plus the day after we all got drunk as hell...we all had massive hang overs, but no we didn't get to sleep in...NO NO, we had to get up, rush to get ready, drive for an hour to go to Wade's aunt and uncles for dinner. WHY THE HELL DID WADES FAMILY WANNA MEET ME SO BAD...IT'S NOT LIKE I'M THE GIRLFRIEND...FUCK I'M ONLY THE GIRLFRIENDS LITTLE SISTER...SO WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL?! ~LOL~ ANYways...needless to say I had no time to relax on my "holiday"! Then I come back to Victoria and work the very next day...a day or two later my cold gets even worse...the doctors can't do shit for me. My energy level is very much minimal and yet I have to work basically every day. I was talking to my cousin today and she's asked me to babysit Jade...and yes I'd love to 'cause I love her to death and she's just so damn cute...but HI I have no energy for a 6 month old child! But...I couldn't say no...I'd feel bad 'cause Granny's taking her out for lunch. Oh and the mega bonus of this one...tomorrow before I babysit Jade, she has to get more needles...yah I'm sure she'll be loads of fun to babysit! And on top of all that I have to work from like 3-8 tomorrow cleaning again...'cause you know...I've really got the energy for that! One other thing Cynthia mentioned is the fact that she'll be coming in at some point tonight (while I'm working) to do some puttering around and such and she included the fact that she'll probably be able to give me some more tasks to do...YIPPIE! Seriously...this cold and my job are gonna kill me. When I went to my doctor the other day she pretty much guaranteed me the fact that it's gonna take at least a couple weeks to get rid of this cold thing. Yah...umm as of today...I leave for Europe in 34 days...I damn well better be in top condition...no way will I be comfortable flying for hours with a cold...I'll end up killing myself! ~LOL~
ANYways...enough with my rant about my cold...I went to my travel agent today (he's also a family friend) to get a bit of information 'cause my dad's totally set on the idea that if I leave the country and don't have a return ticket...I'll run into problems with customs and a hole bunch of other shit. Anyways, Mr. Davies said that I should be fine unless I was going to the States...but who the hell wants to do that?! ~LOL~ He gave me a bunch of brouchers (as if I didn't have enough already!) for me to read on...I think once Ashley leaves to come back to Victoria I might do a Contiki tour 'cause they're fairly inexpensive and I've heard nothing but awesome things on them! But we'll have to wait and see. So now all I really have to do is all this reading and figure out where all I wanna go, how long I wanna be gone, ext. Plus I have to buy health insurrance...but that's not a big deal. It certainly is a must have though for any traveler...but me inparticular if this fuckin cold won't go away! ~LOL~
ANYwho kids...I must be going now I've got a hole bunch of shit to do before leaving for work in an hour and a half...so take 'er easy!
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